Recent content by Holamikey

  1. Holamikey

    Gotti's 600w Organic Vert

    Another thought. Topping, do you recommend it for vertical growing or should a "tree" style approach be used to have taller plants with less but more productive branching? My test is not being topped but I'd like to hear from the pros what they/you do.
  2. Holamikey

    Gotti's 600w Organic Vert

    Thanks for taking the time to answer those questions. I ask as Im looking to switch to organics in soil this summer since battling heat in rdwc is not happening again this year. Battled mites, root rot, and airy buds last season and I ain't doin that again! I'll be following closely here...
  3. Holamikey

    Gotti's 600w Organic Vert

    Lookin good! How dense are your buds coming out with that 600? I'm testing a vertical cooltube 400w digi right now in rDWC with 3 la con and some unknown sativa (cuts were apparently not labeled correctly at the clinic) in a 4x4 tent. Are your buds dense from soil to the top of the plants...
  4. Holamikey

    My 2nd Grow Journal. LST, SOG, SCROG, Super Crop.

    MITES! I've battled them too. Resistent little bastards! Then they were gone, all was well, had two hot days and BAM they're back. It's ok, I'm harvesting in three days so I just grabbed the shop vac and sucked those little bastards off! Trying of course to not damage the trichs. Sucessful...
  5. Holamikey

    Xxx og dwc

    Well folks, the ladies are coming down in three days! WOO EFIING HOO! That's a total of a 10 week flower. The girls got so large that I had to get a 4x8 tent to keep them happy. Got another 600w as well so now we have the mom under her own 600 and the two totes are sharing a 600. DWC is...
  6. Holamikey

    OG Kush, Strain Specific information & tips.

    I've got the xxx cut as well. Got it from a very reliable source. It's a quick grower, has stretched a fair amount in the 11 days since I flipped the switch. Loves her gh mix I give her. Check out what swerve does, I use all that (micro, bloom, liquid koolbloom, cal-mag, and hygrozyme) plus...
  7. Holamikey

    Xxx og dwc

    that's 7 XXX OG's. Running as follows (all measurements are ml/gallon) 5 micro 10 bloom 10 Koolbloom 5 cal-mag 5 bud candy 5 hygrozyme This has been a great grow. I can't thank $nutter enough. Well, I'll be back in about 9 weeks with harvest pics. PEACE!
  8. Holamikey

    Xxx og dwc

    OK fellas..... Here's three, the day I switched to flower which was on the 15th. We're already showing preflowers and getting a good solid stretch. Introduced bud candy (5ml/gallon) and started running Koolbloom at the same strength. :blsmoke:
  9. Holamikey

    Xxx og dwc

    Belated update. Mom is in the tent with her kids. All are vegging at about 900 ppm using a Hanna primo checker. Got the hygrozyme and cal-mag and iv had great, lush growth. There's about an 80% full canopy at this point. Looking to flip the switch n about two weeks or so. When mom was...
  10. Holamikey

    My 2nd Grow Journal. LST, SOG, SCROG, Super Crop.

    My condolences. I hope all is well besides that. Keep up the great work!
  11. Holamikey

    Xxx og dwc

    Update - So I added more nutes to both totes. Tote A is a week older than tote b so it got 50ml total of micro and 50 ml total of bloom. Tds to 690. Tote B got 45 ml micro and 45 ml bloom to a tds of 670. The mother is almost too big for her cab now and I'm not sure what to do with her...
  12. Holamikey

    My 2nd Grow Journal. LST, SOG, SCROG, Super Crop.

    Yo S! Got the new journal up and running finally! Woo hoo! I'm not sure how to link to it but it's called Xxx og dwc and it's in the journals area. Czech it out folks and let me know what you think. LATER!
  13. Holamikey

    Xxx og dwc

    Each tote has three clones that I took off the mother pictured above. I don't know about any of you but cloning this strain was a huge pain! The first three cuttings took FOUR weeks to show roots out the bottom of the rockwool! Don't worry, no mold or PM or anything. I was worried they...
  14. Holamikey

    Xxx og dwc

    Here are a few pics of the setup.
  15. Holamikey

    Xxx og dwc

    Hi guys, Well, here's what we've got -600w digital balast with air-cooled hood -MH for veg and HPS for flower -2x18 gallon dwc rubbermaid totes filled with 12 gallons of RO water -4in and 6in round air stone in each -125 gallon air pump running both totes -GH Micro and Bloom. Starting...