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  • Please help!!!!

    For some reason out of the blue I am having major problems with nute lock out, and its just about made me nuts. I have had major back surgery and my nugs are the only thing that help. What is going on is slow small growth and the new growth goes from a pale green to a lime looking green. i repotted the the plants into fox farm soil with about a teaspoon of dolamite lime extra pearlight and earthworm castings. the lime amount is based on per gallon of dirt. Now this seemed to help its been 4 days but i can tell they are going back to the small growth slow growth and the green is looking a little lighter. I check my ph and let my water sitt for 24 hours before useing. Does this sound light a mag problem??? i got epson salts but have not tried them yet. Please help me I cant tell you how important this is in these hard times we are all in these days. any suggestions woul help.
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