Recent content by Hiigh

  1. Hiigh

    Bubblegum kush

    It's not getting any better or worse, it's just staying unhealthy.
  2. Hiigh

    Bubblegum kush

    Maybe. I don't Use any nutes.
  3. Hiigh

    Bubblegum kush

  4. Hiigh

    Bubblegum kush

  5. Hiigh

    Bubblegum kush

    Here's an update, upgraded to a 430 watt mh. Looks to me like she's dying :/
  6. Hiigh


    alright, thanks for the input.
  7. Hiigh

    Bubblegum kush

    No worries, alright thanks.
  8. Hiigh

    Bubblegum kush

    Thanks, but that was when it looked good. The leaves don't look so good now. I'll take pictures and update tomorrow or Thursday.
  9. Hiigh

    Bubblegum kush

    Me too, but if so oh well, this is all just a test phase. I'm not expecting much out of it.
  10. Hiigh

    Bubblegum kush

    True, well thanks for the response.
  11. Hiigh

    Bubblegum kush

    Possible, are my lights even strong enough to do so?
  12. Hiigh

    Bubblegum kush

    If you've seen any of my other threads, you'll know this is my first grow(experimental phase) Started with 2 Bubblegum kush seeds, one turned into male and luckily this one's female. So this is where i'm at, started around the 15th of July, I'm only using 2 26w lights(don't complain, it's...
  13. Hiigh


    I've been reading about glassblowing and what not and I want to give it a try, at this point i really don't know anything about this whole ordeal but thats where you guys come in. I need someone that's been around to give me a estimate on what it would cost to get set up. I've been looking at...
  14. Hiigh

    Bubblegum kush.

    That's what I assumed. I have no insect problems that I'm aware of, other then a few fruit flies that I've been trying to get rid of. It couldn't have been them could it?
  15. Hiigh

    Bubblegum kush.

    Looks nice, I see hints of purple ;)