Recent content by hihibye7

  1. hihibye7

    whats wrong with my 5 MONTH old plant

    atleast some people kept the pics lol it was still fun to do
  2. hihibye7

    whats wrong with my 5 MONTH old plant

    i read that jelly jars are good for curing is this what i put bud in after paper bag or can the paper bag be substituted by the jar for better results?
  3. hihibye7

    whats wrong with my 5 MONTH old plant

    thanks im starting rn
  4. hihibye7

    whats wrong with my 5 MONTH old plant

    should i just rip it out with roots and all or just cut it at the stem
  5. hihibye7

    dont know what to do but i needa do it now!!!!

    first grow and its almost 5 months so i asked riu what was up and everyones saying that its degradeing and if i wanna smoke any to harvest now which i wasnt expecting so could someone give me a step by step way to harvest this baby and please dont say go to youtube or something this is a forum...
  6. hihibye7

    whats wrong with my 5 MONTH old plant

    yea i wanna smoke it lol so now ill go to the harvesting forum and see how to do that lol
  7. hihibye7

    whats wrong with my 5 MONTH old plant

    i have 3 cfls all together 156 actual watts and the reasons the leaves are gone is because im a stupid noob and thought it woulda helped about a montha nd a half ago, so what yoour pretty much saying is to just harvest it now and get whatever i can outa it?, about 1/8 of the hairs arent orange yet
  8. hihibye7

    whats wrong with my 5 MONTH old plant

    okay so my plant will be 5 months old on the 15th and is still not done she is 1 of 3 to be fems out of my first grow and i am using cfls but 5 months and all the hairs arent even red yet can someone telll me how to get it to grow faster or what ever the problem is thankss guys
  9. hihibye7

    12/12 from seed help

    so i wanna try the 12/12 from seed method and was wondering what kind of lights are best for thisa and should i use more lights because there not on as long or what all helps apreciated
  10. hihibye7

    east coast sun

    just germinated the seeds now so hopefully theyll be outside the next few days
  11. hihibye7

    east coast sun

    yea i forgot that part lol east coast of america and thanks for the help, you think after getting natural sunlight and then putting in grow room wont stunt growth or anything should it ?
  12. hihibye7

    east coast sun

    hey i have 2 seeds i wanna start now but still have a flowering plant with a good week or two left but id like to start these seeds now i live on the east coast and was wondering if i left them in sunlight for the first 2 weeks or so is there enough daylight currently? and when i put these into...
  13. hihibye7

    should i harvest soon or wait

    still see some white hairs give it some more time and is that week 10 of flowering or from seed
  14. hihibye7

    All My Pictures!!!

    nope 20/6 then 12/12
  15. hihibye7

    All My Pictures!!!

    thats my first grows bud right there