Recent content by high 420

  1. high 420

    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    well I was at tsc store and they had gaia green all purpose 4-4-4 and bloom for $19 each, not sure if that's just my local one or if all stores are stocking it.
  2. high 420

    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    has anyone tried just using the all purpose 4-4-4 all the way through veg and flower?
  3. high 420

    Need indoor help with Dyna Gro

    Ok so i took a few years off from indoor growing. just got back in to it and wanted to try out Dyna Gro foliage pro. i used it last year to start my plants indoors early spring and had the same issues. So whats happening is them seem to get stunted at about 6"-1 foot and get tight internodes...
  4. high 420

    Probability of Twins in MJ seeds

    wtf i just germinated the the rest of my of my seeds and got another set, so outa 18 seeds i got 2 sets of twins
  5. high 420

    Probability of Twins in MJ seeds

    hey man, i got a twins Critical Mass from Mr. nice seeds. I germinated 10 seeds and got 1 twin here's a pic
  6. high 420

    Ontario-Where to by Dolomite Lime anyone?

    Ontario Grower Supply
  7. high 420


    in the past iv always took cuttings and put right in to soil (pro-mix) but was thinking of using rockwool this year. might b a little bit easier now my question is do i need to adjust the ph of the water b4 i sock the rockwool? i was reading up on it and some ppl and some ppl dont
  8. high 420

    question about starting early!

    mayb something like this might work a little better
  9. high 420

    Himalayan Gold or Great white Shark

    i went with the GWS and early durban i will b starting them soon and start taking clones off for the spring. i was reading on the site and it said the early durban was officially done at 8 weeks so it should b done just b4 the frost, cuz i figure start flowering around Aug 8-15 and finish...
  10. high 420

    Himalayan Gold or Great white Shark

    Just getting seeds for next year's outdoor and was wanting to know if any1 has grown "Himalayan Gold" or "Great Whit Shark" from greenhouse seed co. (outdoor) and how was the flowering time? I had a problem with the "Lemon Skunk" it did not finish on time and got nothing off it. I also have some...
  11. high 420

    what to grow next year

    hey everyone, im starting to order my seeds for next years outdoor. iv already got "Early Durban" from The Flying Dutchmen Seed co. and was thinking of getting "Himalayan Gold" or "Great White Shark" from the Greenhouse seed co. I just wana make sure that they will have enough time to finish...
  12. high 420

    what should i do?

    well i went back to get about 12plants that were ready and saw that some1 was back there and took 4 of my biggest 1s and decided to chop them all down. so im lookin at about 5 lbs when dry (give or take a bit) i only noticed mold on the bigger buds
  13. high 420

    what should i do?

    i was out and harvested yesterday in the rain the only time i could do it. i trimmed it all up and is hanging. the problem is that i was lookin at it today and there's some mold starting to show now.So.... what should i do? i have 2 fans and a dehumidifier going now will i b ok?
  14. high 420

    Canadian Growers PIctures

    stonedgrappler yea man lookin good, i think mine have a few more weeks left also. ..What strain u got goin there?
  15. high 420

    Early Durban

    Has anyone ever grown flying dutchmen Early Durban b4? thinking of getting it for next years outdoor crop.