Recent content by h0tb0x1n420

  1. H

    Plant is dying please help.

    I flushed about 2 weeks ago now and that was about when i started to notice yellowing here and there. i gave her nutes about 4days ago and i used the Epsom salt not too long after flush because someone told me they thought it was mag def.
  2. H

    Plant is dying please help.

    I do not know what is wrong i have flushed her and didn't help so i fed her good and it slowed down but the spread again. was told it is phosphorus deficient and i have already given some Epsom salt and it didn't help. The first two are from before and the other two are from today. the main...
  3. H

    Take off or leave on.?

    So my plant had so phosphorus deficiency and it has seemed to be recovering now should i cut the brown tips off or just leave them there to fall off eventually?
  4. H

    Need help first time brown spots and red stems and veins.

    Yeah i dont think that is my problem but thank you for your input i really appreciate it.
  5. H

    Need help first time brown spots and red stems and veins.

    Here are some pictures taken today i dont know what to do and fear she might die and quickly from what ever is wrong.
  6. H

    Need help first time brown spots and red stems and veins.

    Please clarify what you mean by ozone generator.. all i have is lights and airflow no co2 or anything else.
  7. H

    Need help first time brown spots and red stems and veins.

    So today the spots are even worse and the leaves are turned upward now. i will post more pics, i dont know if i need more nutes of to flush
  8. H

    Need help first time brown spots and red stems and veins.

    I Started from a clone labeled The Goo so im guessing Afgoo. but im not too worried about the red it is the brown necrotic spots that worry me the last couple days they seem to get worse could it be because of the Jacks classic i fed her, it seems like every time i feed something happened to her...
  9. H

    Need help first time brown spots and red stems and veins.

    i just water with Epsom salt yesterday it didn't seem to help.
  10. H

    Need help first time brown spots and red stems and veins.

    I have only had the problem with the spots for a few days she is three weeks into flower and the flowers are looking nice but the leaves are turning yelloish with brown spots that are lighter on the inside and the veins and some parts of the stem are red. i have jacks classic blossom booster...