Recent content by guardiangk

  1. guardiangk

    1st leaves shrinking

    That is just nature. You may have a mutant. Looks fine.
  2. guardiangk

    if you know rockwool i have ?s

    The idea is usually 15mins spraying, 15 mins off. Seems to help roots fishbone. When I use a sprayer, I leave mine going 24/7
  3. guardiangk

    Curling twisting leaves at same level

    Your whole garden has heat/moisture stress. Even your good leaves are curling down.
  4. guardiangk

    What is that?Please Help!
  5. guardiangk

    What is that?Please Help!

    Judging by the size of the buds, it is nowhere near the end of its lifecycle. It is yellow because of a deficiency the plant is sucking nitrogen from your leaves. The plant is working harder to get what it needs, and wasting energy on pulling nutes rather than growing. A whole plant pic may help.
  6. guardiangk

    Revenge of the mites.

    If you catch them early SNS217 can wipe them out. Natural. Always my first choice before Forbid4F.
  7. guardiangk

    How much longer till harvest (eye it)

    Trichromes are just one way of telling a plants maturing, are the calyxes swollen? Hairs starting to redding? Is there a natural fade happening to the plant? One or all can help to point to a plants maturity. IMO 2 weeks at least. Could easily push that to 3.
  8. guardiangk

    Lazy Man's Way to Cleaner Hydroponic Cannabis

    @weedemart As I said on page 1 of this thread.....
  9. guardiangk

    Pineapple chunk 70days in,still not ready

    There is your problem right there.
  10. guardiangk

    cloning question

    I do not know how many you are talking about, but mine usually have 2-3 left on them. I trim those horizontally.
  11. guardiangk

    Seeds vs Clones pros and cons

    or if you LST/Scrog, who gives a crap? :clap: