Recent content by GTRlover

  1. GTRlover

    acacia simplicifolia, any ideas?

    anyone know???
  2. GTRlover

    acacia simplicifolia, any ideas?

    I've been looking for an hour or so and cannot find this anywhere. Powder or Bark is Fine, but i prefer powder. You guys rock!
  3. GTRlover

    Really would love input from you guys, drying in Shed in woods

    Thanks dude, and actually that will definetly reduce my scare on a fire starting
  4. GTRlover

    Really would love input from you guys, drying in Shed in woods

    Well the humidity will be somewhere around 80% Even in october, and from what i understand that will be a bit high. I should have thrown that in the description up top
  5. GTRlover

    Really would love input from you guys, drying in Shed in woods

    Hey guys, I will be drying out in the woods as my options are scarce. Dont stop reading just yet! I am planning on building a temporary Drying house, room whatever you want to call it. It will be made of 2x4 and plywood, water-proofed of course, and then wrapped in tarp, and spray painted to...
  6. GTRlover

    My first outdoor Guerilla grow 2012. Ak-47, White Widow, and more!

    19 Plants... and 17 clones taken from the plants!
  7. GTRlover

    trying to re-veg my outdoor plants

    Same boat here man, i was also afraid they would continue budding. what a waste of energy.. I put some of those solar lights on em, hopefuly that breaks it sooner
  8. GTRlover

    My first outdoor Guerilla grow 2012. Ak-47, White Widow, and more!

    Yeah my PH test kit was off by 2 whole ph levels, i actually grew them from seed though
  9. GTRlover

    Need some help with early flowering

  10. GTRlover

    My first outdoor Guerilla grow 2012. Ak-47, White Widow, and more!

    Going absolutely wonderful man, The beautiful ladies are now outdoors at the spot in the woods in there pots. The tallest of them are close to 3 feet now, but i do have a problem, they have started flowering, not pre-flowers so i went out to the store today and got some of those garden lights...
  11. GTRlover

    Need some help with early flowering

    Hey guys i am in need of some help here, have 19 sexy girls outdoors right now which were placed there last month. They are really starting to flower it seems. The problem is i do not want them to start flowering until they are much larger. I went out today and bought some of those solar powered...
  12. GTRlover

    When do you attach the plant to the screen in V-SCROG?

    How about 1 2,000w HPS
  13. GTRlover

    is this plant a hermie?

    It wont hurt waiting a few days i think
  14. GTRlover

    is this plant a hermie?

    Male flower.