Recent content by gruebleem

  1. G

    clone question is possible but it will reduce the yield of the plant. lets say the normal plant gave you a ounce, if you switch it will give you an 1/8th. if i were you i would leave it alone. just keep it in that cycle and watch the magic happen. you clone will double in size while in flower...
  2. G

    Ventilation quetion

    your computer fans will not properly exhuast the heat out of your closet, especially if its sealed. Your going to need to do two things: first, find a way to direct the heat from your light out of the box or room...most hoods have an exhaust hole and way to slide in a glass shield. Get dryer...
  3. G

    San Diego/Orange County Clubs

    your not going to find much in OC...expect to pay more than other places. I foud my clones in the LA listings...west hollywood. They were cheap and great condition. FYI...the 909 and LA seem to be the spots.