Recent content by GrowMoe

  1. GrowMoe

    Chewing Stems

    I'm not saying you're wrong in what you're saying, but I want you to explain how a tincture works then. If I make a tincture from ethanol and boil off the alcohol, and I used 120 proof, then 40 of the solution would be water, and when the alcohol was boiled off, I would have THC, clorofyll++ and...
  2. GrowMoe

    Chewing Stems

    "Marijuana produces THCA, an acid with the carboxylic group (COOH) attached. In its acid form, THC is not very active. It is only when the carboxyl group is removed that THC becomes psychoactive.... If you plan to vaporize or smoke the extract decarboxylation will take place as the oil is used...
  3. GrowMoe

    Hermie Seeds - What can I expect?

    Ok, just to recap. There were 3 females and one hermie among the seedlings. They were sativa dominant, but two of them were better than the others. I kept clones from all of them except the hermie which showed to be hermie within two weeks of flowering. The two best ones showed that by...
  4. GrowMoe

    Alcohol Tincture

    Hey I've read some pages in this thread, but I gave up finding an answer, so I thought I could just ask. Yeasterday I made a tincture of 60% alcohol and stems and trim. Now I didn't pre-heat the stem/trim/bud, so I'm wondering what the best way to proceed with this tincture to make it as...
  5. GrowMoe

    How's it goin? I saw your questions about sativas indoors. Did you set up any sativa grows?

    How's it goin? I saw your questions about sativas indoors. Did you set up any sativa grows?
  6. GrowMoe

    Hermie Seeds - What can I expect?

    Exactly! That was what I was hoping. I still don't know what the decease/sickness/problem was, but I haven't had that problem since and I think I've got it under control, so it won't happen again. It might have been due to bad soil or nutes, or maybe a virus. I searched the net but couldn't...
  7. GrowMoe

    Humidity - Low RH ?!?

    I have tried with two bowls of leca and water but it does nothing... I am spraying every so often manually though. I have noticed this too, so I will have to get a humudifier sooner or later. for now I'll stick to just misting manually. Thanks for the replies.
  8. GrowMoe

    Humidity - Low RH ?!?

    I'm not exhausting an excessive amount. As the temps are high I have to keep venting. I do have constant air exchange, and I bet the RH is really low both outside and in my growroom. So I have to have a humidifier in the growroom, and not in one of the tents... I planning on purchasing one...
  9. GrowMoe

    Humidity - Low RH ?!?

    Maybe I'll get one of theese
  10. GrowMoe

    Humidity - Low RH ?!?

    Yeah. I'm getting a fan today, but the cloth/rag thing isn't efficient enough. Does NOT raise RH noticeably... Thanks for the reply
  11. GrowMoe

    Humidity - Low RH ?!?

    I'm having problems with low humidity. I've heard someone state that he can get his RH down to 30% in flowering. Well I have a different issue. My RH will not come above 30%! I have two tents; I get 30% RH due to the 3 plants that are there one of the tents, and in the other I can't keep it...
  12. GrowMoe

    Hermie Seeds - What can I expect?

    Thank for the info. Will be sure to check it out.
  13. GrowMoe

    Hermie Seeds - What can I expect?

    Yeah, that makes sense. And if you harvest right after the bananas show, the seeds won't have time to mature. I just hope I can get at least one nice female to keep going :blsmoke:
  14. GrowMoe

    Hermie Seeds - What can I expect?

    Hey Jack. Obviously Im no expert but it sounds like your selected male had some hermie-genes. If the majority offspring show theese traits, they are genetically predisposed to turn hermie late in their flowering period. That's why "those late stage yellow bananas" are forming at harvest time...
  15. GrowMoe

    Hermie Seeds - What can I expect?

    OK thanks for all the replies. I think I'll grow them out just to see what I get. Just for future referance. I might get lucky. I have a growlog under the same name on grasscity with a poll on the m/f ratio. well, not on the ratio, but how many females I get... should be fun to see what...