Recent content by grodroguy420

  1. G

    Please help losing my clones!!!

    I took clones last night around 10:00pm and all but four just fell over the leaves are not withered or anything but they are just hanging out of the rockwool cubes. I pre soaked the cubes, i cut on a 45 degree angle did what i was supposed to ( i think) i got hem under 6 75 watt flourcent...
  2. G

    Really weak stems???

    they haved been in there two weeks thursday and i alreadty have two six in fans on them . thanks for the reply
  3. G

    Really weak stems???

    I have six plant under a 400 watt HPS Temp is 72-78 while lights are on and 64-69 while lights are off . They look real healthy but if i dont hold them up by building the soil up around them they fall over well three of them at least any ideas of what caused this and what i can do to fix it...
  4. G

    I need help!!!!!! Got pics!!!!!

    honestly i watered the normal 1/3 galllon of just water about 20 hours before i took the pics. so thanks for the help i will keep u posted.
  5. G

    I need help!!!!!! Got pics!!!!!

    oh and i forgot i plan on brewing a bat guano and earth worm casting tea should i do that now even though they only have been in there 1 week? U think that would help
  6. G

    I need help!!!!!! Got pics!!!!!

    i just checked em the temp is now stayin at a steady 76 degress and i misted them but its only two out of the six. Here are some pics of the ones that appear to be healthy. i dont have a PH kit i will get one tommorrow.thanks alot guys for all the help.
  7. G

    I need help!!!!!! Got pics!!!!!

    The soil is fox farm ocean forest, i started from seed they have been under the 400 watt hps for one week today . I have been watering just water no nutes and i have been doing 1/3 gallon per plant every 3-4 days. The heat was high 85 and low 69 i just put an exhaust fan in at the top today...
  8. G

    I need help!!!!!! Got pics!!!!!

    The leaves look like there burning and startin to roll up. u can kinda see what im talking about. i got six plants under a 400 watt HPS the light was 12in away from the tops of the plants when i seen this i put it up to about 16 in away PLEASE any input will help i cant loose them.
  9. G

    Will this work?

    cmon people nothing really???
  10. G

    Will this work?

    Im in the process of building my first grow room. The question i have is if i use a 1000 watt light on a side to side light mover on a 9ft rail will that be enough light for 27 plants in three rows of ten?? any input will help thanks
  11. G

    C02 and Exhaust Help Needed ASAP

    Hello guys before i ask my questions ill let u know what im working with. I built a grow box that is 4ftx4ftx7ft and a clone box that is 3ftx3ftx3ft completley insulated and air tight. here is a list of what equipment i used. GROWBOX: 1000 watt Cool tube with a digital ballast 6in 440cfm inline...
  12. G

    A few Questions??

    This is what im workin with 4ftx4ftx7ft air tight grow box heavily insulated 1000 watt switchable ballast cool tube CO2 Setup Carbon Scrubber Setup I am going for quality and quantity what is the most amount of plants i can fit in there? I will be using soil, FoxFarm trio, co2 levels...
  13. G

    Cost of the new setup

    Settin up a grow op is not an easy thing, i have $3,000 for mine and i havent even bought my light yet and i have been planning for a month and a half. DONT RUSH then u make mistakes and that will get u cought!! Slow down and do some planning and research before u spend any of your money cause...
  14. G

    Intake and Exhaust schudule

    How do i figure out how long to run my intake fans and carbon scrubber. When do i bring air in and when do i suck it out and how long is each cycle? My grow box is 4ft x 4ft x 7ft i am going to run 9 plants with a 1000 watt HPS. With a complete co2 setup. I was told on another post to run...
  15. G

    Intake and Exhaust Help Needed

    Thanks alot to all, one question can i have a fan blowing right on my light instead of exhausting more air and having another hole in my box. and let me get this right if i use my carbon scrubber and a 4in intake fan with running co2 should be sufficient? thanks again guys