Recent content by griff4real

  1. griff4real

    drying out buds?????

    So after i finish drying my buds i need to put it in a airtight jar such as a baby jar is that correct if so then how long do i need to keep it in the airtight jar for!!!
  2. griff4real

    drying out buds?????

    appreciate the help guys what about putting them in a brown paper bag checking and rotating them every once in a while!
  3. griff4real

    drying out buds?????

    I need some info on drying out buds i just harvested my plants last night and the place i live at and i have kids im not able to dry out my buds in the house by hanging them up is there any other ways that i can dry them out so they will still be good smokeable pot i dont want to do none of that...
  4. griff4real

    Germ indoor then Plant Out

    Yes u can thats how i germnate some of my seeds u want a nice warm place preferablly on top of your hot water heater it takes several days but it's a good way make sure u use good water as in spring water or filtered.
  5. griff4real

    The best place to buy lowrider feminized seeds

    can anyone suggest the best place to buy lowrider seeds and can i buy them on a prepaid visa or something to make my purchace appreciate the help:confused:
  6. griff4real

    leaves are dying up on my ak-47 lowrider need to harvest?Have pic

    my leaves on my lowrider leaves on the end are getting yellow and drying up is this a sign to harvest:confused:
  7. griff4real

    My first lowrider #2 grow ready to harvest? need some in put please

    yea ill go back out there today and get a pic of it i believe it has one week left but hell i thought it looked ready btu i dont have a microscope to look to see so thats why i need some input
  8. griff4real

    First Real Attempt! Small Concealed cabinet! Auto Blueberry and LowRyder 2

    i checked them out how good do they do and if u cant adjust the height on them then what do u do when they need more space to grow do u have another light
  9. griff4real

    First Real Attempt! Small Concealed cabinet! Auto Blueberry and LowRyder 2

    hey how much did u pay for your light and where could i find it!
  10. griff4real

    watering for outside plants

    :confused: just wondering how often do you water your outdoor plants i know when it gets dry but how often and how much water should you use for each plant?
  11. griff4real

    topping a plant!!!!!!

    so i needed to cut off higher then, but i still end up with two colas correct,but i see what your saying
  12. griff4real

    topping a plant!!!!!!

    went and checked on them after having two days to heal up andthey looked good, already got alot of new growth coming from the two nodes so hopefully it's a female and ill have two big skunky colas!
  13. griff4real

    My first outside grow hope ther Females! need some input on how they look!!!

    I watered them good last night dont know why there droopy also i didnt add nothing to my soil so last night i went and brushed about 2 inches of top soil off and added some bone meal then added som fresh top soil and then gave a good watering plus when i took those pictures it just got donr...