Recent content by Grewdat

  1. G

    when to stop give nutes??

    Once i start seeing white trichs the flush begins... 10 - 14 days for me.
  2. G

    Question...thinking about moving??

    100 and over it becomes federal jurisdiction. So 99 was the limit set by the state, i believe. Then some counties and cities but further restriction. Some have canopy restrictions, other plant restrictions, or both. Some have only indoor allowed and no outdoor. Vice versa. It varies so much from...
  3. G

    List of clubs that rip off vendors in Cali

    As someone who will be experiencing this mess very soon I gotta say that this all sounds sketchy. I don't think i'd ever front anything to anyone I didn't have a relationship with unless I was in a pinch. I don't want to get off topic but are their dispensaries that do business the proper way...
  4. G

    Every one please take a minute to read this post !!!!!!

    People who use for recreation may not even realize why they enjoy smoking. I would be willing to bet that a very large portion of that group uses cannabis because it does have a therapeutic effect for them. They probably don't even realize what they suffer from. They just know that when they...
  5. G

    Worst/Best state to grow/consume pot

    Hand down... Louisiana. Mandatory 10 for 1 plant.
  6. G

    California Growers/Dispensaries/Co-Ops I'm moving to california and need vending info

    we are completely lost due to incompetence.
  7. G

    On the frontier of medical pot to treat boy's epilepsy

    I have very bad epilepsy. I suffered seizures several times a week for nearly 10 years until I started using cannabis to treat it. None of the medications worked and I had terrible reactions to some. I've been seizure free for many years now. I have never seen myself have seizures but my...
  8. G

    Crazy PH Swings? Read this...

    That's precisely why I choose to take on the argument in public. I used to work in hydro retail for about a year and everyday some patient would walk in the door with bad information they got off the web. People end up wasting money, time, and energy trying to provide themselves with, in some...
  9. G

    sick plants, please help

    Looks to me like sulfur and/or iron deficiency/lockout. Try foliar feeding with a chemical fertilizer to help restore some of that iron for now. If it is iron it's likely a ph issue. Maybe recalibrate your ph meter if you can. But yeah that looks like sulfur or iron to me m8.
  10. G

    Yellowing and curved up leaf(ves)

    It's some sort of a deficiency. Probably Magnesium as SteeZz pointed out and probably caused from lockout. I'd make sure to check the ph of the runoff after you water and adjust accordingly.
  11. G

    salted build up

    It maybe wise to consider a product like Drip Clean which helps lubricate those lines. But salt appearing around your drippers is normal. I wouldn't worry about it m8 as hellraizer suggested
  12. G

    Crazy PH Swings? Read this...

    There is no fire m8. I'm glad you posted with your experience because you have experience with rockwool. If everyone spoke from experience this argumentum ad hominem never would have occurred and this thread wouldn't be littered with bad information.
  13. G

    take a look at these?! what do you think

    Google it and take a look at some pics. They are really small flea like animals. They have a snout that pokes into your leaves and sucks out the juice leaving behind little "track marks" along the veins of the leaves. First you'll notice a strange metallic looking sheen to your leaves. Soon...
  14. G

    Crazy PH Swings? Read this...

    What's a insults left to throw around. Well listen up kiddo. While in college... yes, i actually did go to college, something I studied was psychology. And your behavior in this argument is indicative of someone who is "talking out of there ass" And I quote Name calling is a...
  15. G

    Crazy PH Swings? Read this...

    Instead of throwing around insults why don't you prove your point as I did. You say there is 28 years of testing that proves me wrong so it should be easy to find that documentation and link it. I mean 28 years of test results proving me wrong? Where are they?