Well. It’s called the sp150. The sp250 with its adjustable driver io can vary from about 97w to 299w on the spartan Power. mars states new driver set 135w on the mars generic.. and then here is the spec sheet for the HLG 150 48 driver. I think it should work and while it may look like I am a...
I know they aren’t on that unit itself. The sp250 is using the ELG240 48A. The sp150 has changed it seems from the cheapo Chinese adjustable drivers to a Mars Sticker covered non adjustable. I am potentially going to swap with the HLG150 48. Just wanted to t3ch a bit and wanted to make Dead on...
I’d like to know for sure before I do replace it. I’d like the adjust feature. I figured this be the right choice since the 250 has the 48A. Sp 250 elg 48A .. sp150 HLG 150 48A. ? The one for the qb288 boards. It seems Mars newer units have a fixed wattage driver vs the ones I saw reviewed had...
So I have the Mars Hydro Sp250. Liked it so much I bought the sp150. I haven‘t received it yet but I’m realizing
i would like the option to increase or dim especially in the smaller tent. I also would like to keep the temps under wraps and at the same time be able to relocate the driver outside...