Recent content by GreeneryCloud

  1. GreeneryCloud

    Young got getter!

    Young got getter!
  2. GreeneryCloud

    making bho from dirt weed

    How did it turn out??
  3. GreeneryCloud

    100$ experiment! stay tuned

    Anyone trying to ship to florida? Payment can be western Union same day!
  4. GreeneryCloud


    How many people are watching the Pacers?! There bench depth just went up with the acquisition of Luis Scola.
  5. GreeneryCloud


    Favorite Team- Lakers Favorite Player- Mamba Favorite offense-Triangle Favorite Move- Fadeaway
  6. GreeneryCloud

    Headed to Colorado as a tourist. Any Advice?

    Head to Colorado as a tourist with my wife. Anybody got some helpful information i.e. Do's and Don't, places to go and see while there, places I should avoid. Anything that might help someone new to the state, thats just trying to burn one and chill....Thanks
  7. GreeneryCloud

    My Leaves Are Turning Yellow On My Budding Plant

    My leaves are turning yellow I dont know why I started using nothing but water a couple of weeks ago and now there turning yellow. Im going into the 6week of flowering and this is a auto-flowering hercules 7dwarft plant. Any help would be greatly appericated thanks.
  8. GreeneryCloud

    HELP!!! my plants are looking saggy!

    they look a litttle saggy....any help i water every 3days i plan to change the pots soon
  9. GreeneryCloud

    Hercules 7 Dwarft Question Please Help

    Honestly, 2 24watt cfl I know that small but im kind of broke right now so im hoping after this buds I can get a stronger CFL 200watt....But yea thanks you confirmed what I was thinking. What strains would you recommend...and where can I get them...thanks again for the help
  10. GreeneryCloud

    Hercules 7 Dwarft Question Please Help

    Alrightly, my auto-flowering Hercules 7 dwarft plant. Started flowering about a 4weeks ago. The place i ordered it from says 9weeks from seed....can anyone help me with what this means...this is the link to the seed This is what...
  11. GreeneryCloud

    Tomorrow is Shortest day of the year!

    Woohoo thanks for the info now I can go setup my gorilla grow site woohoo!!!!!!!
  12. GreeneryCloud

    CLONES WITHOUT ROOTS... what am i doing wrong?

    Also make sure that the bottom ot what every your clones are in are warm prolly arounf 80degress and line from and electri blanket should work well.
  13. GreeneryCloud

    FIRST GROW - LED 330w - Autoflower

    How close do you have the Lights to the plants?
  14. GreeneryCloud

    First Timer And Of Course, A Yellowing Leaf Problem On A New Clone

    Sp if your plants leaves are yellow on the tips that means theres to much water or to much nutrients?
  15. GreeneryCloud

    This is week 4 of veg.

    (FalseBreed) is the any place you can direct me to learn ore about the adding nitrogen to the plant