Recent content by Green Monster

  1. Green Monster

    My first Grow room! WITH PICS! PLEASE COMMENT

    in that picture where u have all the electrical stuff.. is their alot of eliectrical custom wiring that has to go on? or is it all just plug in and your ready to go?
  2. Green Monster

    Why do admins close threads when we are saying our opinion??

    i just asked.. and it is closed to everyone
  3. Green Monster

    Why do admins close threads when we are saying our opinion??

    as long as iw asnt the only one locked out im happy.
  4. Green Monster

    Why do admins close threads when we are saying our opinion??

    yes well im 18..and apparently they dont think so cuz im locked out of it and no offence if i said anything to you on there was might have been disrespectful. im just trying to prove a point
  5. Green Monster

    Why do admins close threads when we are saying our opinion??

    like realy?. we were having a convo about something and they close the thread? wtf
  6. Green Monster

    under age smoker/growers

    i love how me and you are the only ones who know that weed changes your brain
  7. Green Monster

    under age smoker/growers

    haha your stupid if u rely on wiki, anyone can come and change it.. their is a EDIT button on the top. they only site the main sources that prob started off the page but anyone can come and change that
  8. Green Monster

    under age smoker/growers

    ok well smoke for years and ask one of your close friends who doesnt smoke if they noticed any changes in your behaviour or anything
  9. Green Monster

    under age smoker/growers

    im not saying that u should choose to smoke?.. im just saying how people think that if they smoke they are just as healthy as as if they didnt smoke.. which isnt tryue
  10. Green Monster

    under age smoker/growers

    and why does this post doesnt say who replied and # of posts anymore?. and it doesnt update when someone replied?.. why do people on this site always try to mess with things?. like to prevent people from seeing
  11. Green Monster

    under age smoker/growers

    hmm ok.. then how does inhaling smoke help out?. thats not good for you eithre?.
  12. Green Monster

    Micro Closet growbox under contruction

    how are you gonna be able to get in and out of there w.o damaging or tipping over the plants?
  13. Green Monster

    under age smoker/growers

    yes, and its funny.. she was like.. i read this thing about a guy who smoked weed his whole life and is very health.... except his brain is messed up alot.... and im like okay?.. ud rather be healthy with no brain or what?
  14. Green Monster

    under age smoker/growers

    yes like my friend. is under 18 and she smokes alot.. and she is complainging how she doesnt remember anything or cant do anything and is always stressed.. and im like. its too much smoking.. and she is like no its school that stresses me out.. and im like okay.. school stresses you out so u...
  15. Green Monster


    oh alright. aahha cuz ive seen pics of ppl who have them all nicly cut in a pile like they were saving them. but thanks for letting me know