Recent content by Green in The Garden

  1. Green in The Garden

    Danes Gum - 350W LED

    42. days after 12/12 - Time to flush 42. days went by after 12/12 flip.. One of the girls have been looking very mature for a least 5 days.. Now i startet flush, and will cut the first lady Down NeXT week.. the sadly looking plant in the video, have been growing behind the others, and...
  2. Green in The Garden

    Bridgelux Vero 29 LED Test

    cool project.. ;)
  3. Green in The Garden

    The GreenSanta Grow

    uhmm.. looks good.. funny but nice look the foxtailed one.. :)
  4. Green in The Garden

    Bubble Love - 200W LED

    24. days after 12/12 Sorry for the late update.. :roll::mrgreen: Girsl during great, and have shown sex on a couple, 3 males were removed and 2 girls showing the first pistil. :hump: EC: +1 PH: 5.5 Pics.. Fast ladys... :mrgreen: Stay tuned.... more to come...
  5. Green in The Garden

    Bridgelux Vero 29 LED Test

    ha ha ha ha.. lol.. :)
  6. Green in The Garden

    Danes Gum - 350W LED

    35. days after 12/12 EC: 2.17 PH: 5.5 Humidity: around 38-40% Smell: Chewing gum.. :mrgreen: (first Picture is OD Kush.. smells like some candy chemestry - rest is Danes Gum and smells like the name..) It did help a...
  7. Green in The Garden

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    the ufo you link to, is to expensive.. look at the link i posted.. you can get the lights in 10W, 20W, 30W ect. ;)
  8. Green in The Garden

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    maybe have a look at these led chips.. --->
  9. Green in The Garden

    Danes Gum - 350W LED

    i must be dum.. i dont now in wich context you are reffering to?
  10. Green in The Garden

    Danes Gum - 350W LED

    sorry.. im not following you?
  11. Green in The Garden

    Danes Gum - 350W LED

    31. days after 12/12: late update.. ;) Quick update this time.. :) Video+some Pictures i played around with adding som fx. ( Watch in 720p ) ;)
  12. Green in The Garden

    Bridgelux Vero 29 LED Test

    what now my Fellow green grower? :)
  13. Green in The Garden

    how much different are 10W LEDS ?

    just have in mind that bringing the led closer to the plants may not give optimal mix/spread of light.. my advise, test out with different distances. :)
  14. Green in The Garden

    JMD's #2 Indoor grow (hydroponic)

    heavy "shit"... :)
  15. Green in The Garden

    Danes Gum - 350W LED

    Yes.. i can see its at 50% humidity now, and the temp. is 25-26 instead of 23.. in the start off the thread you can see my setup (using TD350 as vent. and in the back off the closet on the outside is the carbon filter.. :) Today it seems the mildew is dissapering.. so.. think i were Lucky that...