Recent content by gr8fuldred

  1. gr8fuldred

    grow journal

    ok where can i get a ph tester or tester strips?
  2. gr8fuldred

    grow journal

    sweet deal man thanks for the input much appreciated..... ya i like my set up right but i will have to do some work on it when it comes to the 12/12 period there are some light leaks that i will need to work on but other than that i think they will turn out good.bongsmilie
  3. gr8fuldred

    grow journal

    ya i used MG organic potting soil i love the stuff i dont care what any one else says. i dont think it makes the bud taste funny or anything. by the way if i just want to grow a couple of 2-3 foot plants can the final pot be a plastic foldgers can or is that too small?
  4. gr8fuldred

    16 Days into Flowering - Pictures

    when you have funky colored leaves or burned leaves should you trim them off???
  5. gr8fuldred

    my set up good/bad my grow journal link....
  6. gr8fuldred

    my set up good/bad

    go to my grow journal thats where i will be posting my stuff from now on thank you all happy growingbongsmilie
  7. gr8fuldred

    grow journal

    ok so i did some updating on my lights. i cut some soda can up and created some tiny hood systems.. ghetto i know but its all i can afford. but any ways my little ones also sprouted.... very excited bongsmilie
  8. gr8fuldred

    my set up good/bad

    ok well then i might do one with two in it and then the rest on there own just to see the two differences. how big should my final pot be for just a 2-3 foot plant????
  9. gr8fuldred

    my set up good/bad

    its just some good bag seeds i was just wondering for space reasons if two plants in like a foldgers can would be ok or if they had to be in separate cans???? i only want them to be like 2-3 feet tall.
  10. gr8fuldred

    my set up good/bad

    is it bad to have two plants in one pot if there going to be small plants???
  11. gr8fuldred

    my set up good/bad

    good luck hope you save them dank little girls..haha
  12. gr8fuldred

    1st grow,journal

    ya thats too bad man but on the other hand your new name is dope... haha there looking good man
  13. gr8fuldred

    grow journal

    ya i think im going to rig some type of ghetto hood up some time soon. a lot of the light is going up when it needs to go down towards the cups.
  14. gr8fuldred

    grow journal

    ya i grew in my closet at my old place gets crazzy hot it those places.... haha ya i have two real small not very power full computer fans rigged up i guess there just in the right spot cause before with just the big fan and without the vent holes i made it got like 80-90 degrees in there, but...
  15. gr8fuldred

    my set up good/bad

    not yet im hoping by to marrow morning.... i cant wait tho. when i was dicking around with my fans i knocked a cup over so i one light down and only five cups but its chill. ill post some pics as soon as they start sprouting..... happy growing all