When your on a CONSTANT FEED, you have to make sure that you ensure a propper PPM (Parts Per Million) for that stage. www.AdvancedNutrientsOnline.com has a calculator which tells you good PPM's for each phase of growth in HYDRO. Make sure you do not overfeed. Ler me reiterate, DO NOT OVERFEED YOUR PLANTS IN ANY HYDRO SYSTEM. If will screw you out of some good bud, even if it happens accidentaly and was quickly fixed in an earlier stage of growth, it WILL mess up your budding phase later in life no matter what.
If you have the money, I have some great great products you can buy with some cheap places online and can instruct you how to build the proper home made system. I have some very cost effective home made kits I have made just out of looking for new ways to grow that you would really appreciate as a DIY person.
Thanks for the e-mail,
If you have the money, I have some great great products you can buy with some cheap places online and can instruct you how to build the proper home made system. I have some very cost effective home made kits I have made just out of looking for new ways to grow that you would really appreciate as a DIY person.
Thanks for the e-mail,