Recent content by GoodHabitsGardening

  1. G

    Grower's Choice ROI-E720 MAJOR FAIL!

    But that’s just it, there wasn’t even a problem with them. Just needed that master controller...
  2. G

    Grower's Choice ROI-E720 MAJOR FAIL!

    They always had it. The master controller from them is required to uses it though. This thread is very deceptive. I work directly with growers choice and my experience with them has always been 100% positive. It doesn’t say the MC is required for boost mode in the manual. A 1 minute call to the...
  3. G

    Grower's Choice ROI-E720 MAJOR FAIL!

    I’m just trying to help. I have a shop in Pennsylvania and just started selling these lights after 2 very reputable ppl recommended them. Hidden Forrest Soil Company in Maine, and Raw Genetics in California. To say experienced growers don’t use them is bs...
  4. G

    Grower's Choice ROI-E720 MAJOR FAIL!

    I didn’t read all the posts being 7 pages and all. The master controller is required to boost the power past 100%. It doesn’t say that in the manual..