Recent content by gio

  1. G

    ALL leafs wilted!

    I'd like to see but a pic, but just curious. Since no one else popped in... most likely they needed watering, which you did. The only time I have a massive wilting is when the medium goes bone dry. This will likely have a pH effect along with a spike in ec (this is all in the medium itself)...
  2. G

    Phosphorus? What's causing this leaf issue?

    I'll confirm, clear P deficiency... the darkened sections between the leaf veins is a clear sign. I also see K deficiencies. I'm not for sure if it is an overly high pH as P/K are usually available up high... the micros can't be absorbed in this area. Without more info it is tough to say...
  3. G

    Hi need help asap What i should do

    The easy part is to simply say the poor girl is seriously deficient. This is a clear problem. The reason why is another question however. Likely, it just needs to be fed. Go low but more frequently in feeding. When I suggest "low", higher than you are now, but not very high overall. No...
  4. G

    Heat/humidity help

    Agreed, there isn't much you can except increase the volume of air exchange... pull out the hot air & replace with cooler air. A fan on the plants might also help, but they are probably hard pressed to transpire enough as is. It may cost some $$$, but a portable a/c unit will greatly help the...
  5. G

    Bug spray???

    Yeah, azamax & azatrol both utilize azadarachtin a&b (?sp)... the active ingredients in neem oil. both of these products, though still oily in base, are far easier to use vs traditional cold-pressed neem. Both the above, though turning the solution creamy, emulsify very well. The azamax works...
  6. G

    leave acting weirdly

    W/o pics...? Leaves that severely hook/curl/claw under tend to be shock due to nute application. The dose can simply be too high, or the step-up just too fast. I feel radical pH shifts also contribute. Both are fundamentally stressing the plant into this behavior. I would reduce your mix by...
  7. G

    TWO-FACE!! Half Plant Growing..

    Can you post a picture? Abnormal growth usually happens when something weird is occurring in the medium... pH fluctuations, odd nute concentrations, or root infection. Essentially, something is stressing the plant into abnormal growth. If you correct the underlying issue, growth should resume...
  8. G

    I have problems

    The browning you have at varying points indicate heat/light stress or possibly wind damage... they can't transpire enough in that area, dry out (cells collapse) & die. The severe hooking you see is usually a nutrient shock and/or severe pH fluctuations. Cabbage-like growth usually goes with...
  9. G

    Bug spray???

    When you say little red spiders... could you possibly mean spider mites, with two red-like dots on their backs? Because if they are truly spiders of some sort, I have just never heard of a spider eating your plants. If you see a webbing, they are spider mites. With this in mind, good luck...
  10. G

    Heat? PH? Something else?

    Wouldn't mind seeing the plant from afar & the main growing tip... would help. The color changes you see are actually a very deep rust color. The dieing tips curling up & the upward cupping of some of your leaves are all clear indicators. Dissolved epsom salts to immediately correct. Likely...
  11. G

    Plants are turning yellow 2 weeks into it [ newbie ]

    Doubt they are expressing sex this early on. No way to tell from your pics, & you will have a hard time submitting them as they need to be real close-up macros of rather specific points on the plant. You can try though... zoom to the points that the leaves meet the main stalk, right where the...
  12. G

    Admin help please

    Okay, it posted immediately. Just don't understand though. When I first registered, was able to post w/o a problems for the first day. Then came the messages that my posts must be reviewed by an administrator. This happened for 2 days, then my posts/responses started popping up. ((Bummer...
  13. G

    Admin help please

    Actually, don't even understand what MS25 is in reference to...? Let's see if this works. BTW, don't know if you are admin or not, but you are the first to help, so thank you! Best.
  14. G

    Please, I need a little assistance. For some reason my posts are coming up as needing to be...

    Please, I need a little assistance. For some reason my posts are coming up as needing to be reviewed by an administrator prior to being displayed. This is a 2 day hold process as my question to the admin in the help section just hit. I just attempted to respond to that query, and it again said I...
  15. G

    Please, I need a little assistance. For some reason my posts are coming up as needing to be...

    Please, I need a little assistance. For some reason my posts are coming up as needing to be reviewed by an administrator prior to being displayed. This is a 2 day hold process as my question to the admin in the help section just hit. I just attempted to respond to that query, and it again...