Recent content by Gingerzengardens

  1. G

    Replant progress update

    2 weeks into this grow my cats wrecked some of my babies, and I pulled this bad boy but it still had a pretty strong stem so I sliced it at an angle and replanted as if it were a clone and asked what people thought, everyone said it’d probably die but here she is a month along It induced a...
  2. G

    i live in texas and i wanted to know what are the chances i get caught if i buy weed seeds online

    Houston boy myself, I can assure you there’s nothing to worry about. Just maybe shit delivery times because of this covid bs
  3. G

    Help! Something popping up fast

    Are these bites? Or deficiency? Peat based medium ph6.3 water 6.0 low doses of advanced nutrients 3 part fertilizer . Temp 77-84 humidity hangs about 50
  4. G

    Deficiencies or surplus?

    Inner ball was Miracle-Gro repotted to promix (US version has no slow release nutes ) temp hangs around 76-84f humidity 55 because I have some younger girls in there too Soil ph 6.5 watering with 6.0 it’s an 8 inch clay so just under 2 gals dosed with minute amounts of advanced nutrients 3 part...
  5. G

    Deficiencies or surplus?

    Woke up to this guy looking like this what’s going on here
  6. G

    Issues with a leggy seedling

    When I came to you guys I was very unsure about it but now we have some pretty good root development, almost balled up by now
  7. G

    Seedling whiting out

  8. G

    Seedling whiting out

    $12 for 10 kg
  9. G

    Seedling whiting out

    Got at my local general store(Walmart) I’m going to mix some pearlite with it, it has enough nutrients for the first couple of weeks then it needs nutes due to it being almost all peat
  10. G

    Seedling whiting out

    Just bought promix premium moisture potting mix, everyone’s saying ph is 5.4-5.8 out the bag
  11. G

    Seedling whiting out

    I am terrified of the idea of coco coir this early on I have some auto critical x northern lights on the way and i’m gonna SoG them so should I stick with the soils?
  12. G

    Seedling whiting out

    Feeding schedule?
  13. G

    Seedling whiting out

    Gaia green* 4-4-4
  14. G

    Seedling whiting out

    That’s my next buy, I’ve been seeing quite a few recommendations for fox farms 4-4-4 this was immediately after transplanting hoping to lower nute concentration and by diluting the nute mix soil but it was more miracle grow lmao I flushed it, but you tell me it releases with water, did I fuck it...