Recent content by gillagin

  1. G

    I need help getting seeds.

    is DR.chronic a good seed shop
  2. G


    I hatte the fuckers they invaded my woods we used to never have them here it fucking sucks they are always crawling all over me when i get home
  3. G

    Forced Flowering?

    you could leave it out side just pu a big garbage bag over the plant to force daekness to trick the plant to flower
  4. G

    cow poop

    Is it a good idea to put cow manure where im going to be planting as topsoil
  5. G

    outdoor spot

    I like those plant in the backround those plants are in my back yard i was thinking of planting my plants there but it is to close to the house
  6. G

    how much?

    judgeing by its size and mass i would say 1,000,000 DOLLARS BITCH
  7. G

    what is the oldest marijuana you have ever smoked

    I have not smoked any yet but I am growing it right now the way i see it is if it is illeagle and i do not deserve to smoke it than i wont smoke it but if i grow it myself succesfuly. i do deserve to grow making it leagle (well in my mind of course:? ) so what is the oldest marijuana you have...
  8. G

    Stealth like a ninja.

    how would you make bonsai pot plants