Recent content by ghettoxginger

  1. G

    Day 53 of Floweriing My Wonder Woman! Pics How Much Longer?

    Ill get the bitch pregnant LMAO. Nice grow though man, Someone should be able to answer your question though, just not me. sorry
  2. G

    Day 53 of Floweriing My Wonder Woman! Pics How Much Longer?

    Im no pro and couldnt tell ya but i will tell you if i knew where you lived i would come have sex with your plants.... Slowly, I wouldnt take anything, but when i would be done they would be a little wetter LMAO. Nice fucking grow man
  3. G

    1 plant and 1 75w CFW

    Cool man. I will do, Sadly itll be another week before i can buy a second bulb extension plug. Itll get more light friday. Thanks for your answer man, I'd be lost without people like you
  4. G

    1 plant and 1 75w CFW

    K i just looked. Its the equivalent. Will it be ok for 2-3 weeks till i can get it outside
  5. G

    1 plant and 1 75w CFW

    Well im using a 75w (might be equivalent) CFW and i believe its doing damn good! Its only being used on 1 plant as a test to make sure i can actually grow something before i purchase seeds and so far the seedling is damn good. My question is if im only growing one plant, Will my 75w CFW...
  6. G

    Can u tell me if something is wrong.... Pic

    im still waiting on them to sedn, will edit once they are up
  7. G

    Can u tell me if something is wrong.... Pic

    Cool thanks guys. I dont know if its male or female. I only planted 1 seed to see if i could accomplish it, Its outta some middie bagseed. Hopefully this is a female, either way, Thanks for the help everyone. I was a little scared.. On a brighter note check out my grow box lmao!!!! I know...
  8. G

    Can u tell me if something is wrong.... Pic

    Ok, This is my seedling, came above the soil today and seems to me something is wrong. Its brown, no leaves(yet) and very little green... Is it just because its very new or is there something wrong.... Sorry for the bad quality, im using a shitphone camera.. thanks for any help in advance...
  9. G

    Question about salt.

    I dont know if the salt will mess the plant up but i do know a snail will dig under the salt if it wants to get at something bad enough
  10. G

    Need some help from someone that knows what they are doing

    Also, Thanks everyone for your replies
  11. G

    Need some help from someone that knows what they are doing

    Cool cool, I got the animals taken care of. Where my plants are going, animals wouldnt even try to get there. They would need thumbs lol
  12. G

    Need some help from someone that knows what they are doing

    Ok if i start them inside in a window sill, Can i use cheap ass potting soit, throw in a little perlite, and as soon as they sprout above the dirt move them on up there? Like when they are an inch or 2 high?
  13. G

    Need some help from someone that knows what they are doing

    If i germinate my seeds and put them directly into the ground outside in the woods where i plan on growing them, Will they grow ok? I figure since all plants were outside to begin with it would right? When i read on here there is always someone talking about ph levels, nutrients and...
  14. G

    Dr Greenthumbs G13

    I dont get the problem with him charging what ever he wants. An ounce of good weed goes for far more then 100$. If your getting more then an ounce per seed your saving money either way. The best part is noone is going to put a gun to your head and force you to buy anything, Seeds are purchased...
  15. G

    What should i do about canopy

    come on.... 26 views and no replys... help a noob