Recent content by Generic.Name

  1. Generic.Name

    Please help I got no clue what I’m doing

    looks like you have two plants in one pot, if they’re still alive you gotta deal with that by carefully untangling the roots from one another
  2. Generic.Name

    Please help I got no clue what I’m doing

    I personally go for 75F, 85 is on the high end but that’s just me.
  3. Generic.Name

    How to prevent mold growth in nutrient bottles

    I cracked open my botanicare sweet bottle today and saw a huge green slime something floating at the top and knew i was fucked. I’m going to toss the bottle and just buy a new one. Probably mold or something. Didn’t catch it cause I usually shake before I measure. Definitely a surprise to look...
  4. Generic.Name

    Grow Bed in a Tent

    Oops I forgot to add the word “bale” after 3 cf. You add 3 cubic feet of peat moss, 3 cubic feet of aeration, and 3 cubic feet of vermicompost, (plus the minerals and nutrients), to create 9 cubic feet of media Even then a 3x3 holds about 100 gallons of medium so I would have to add some more...
  5. Generic.Name

    Grow Bed in a Tent

    Okay so let me preface that I'm transitioning from nutrient growing to organic growing. I have just had issues with nutrients inconsistencies in my plants and also don't like the thought of pumping my soil full of salts and killing all the beneficial life in them. I recently bought the 3CF...
  6. Generic.Name

    Photos from my first grow and harvest

    Lol I don't know if you're joking or not but this is after I cut them down and started drying them
  7. Generic.Name

    Brownish spots on DWC seedlings

    Looks like calcium as well as maybe magnesium due to the yellowish veins on the leaf.
  8. Generic.Name

    Still white pistils but trichomes are cloudy ?

    For SOG it might be easier to put them in their final pots from the start to reduce work when leading up to a flip to flower. I'm thinking about doing SOG for my next run and would put my plants in 3 gal fabrics and then let them veg for 4 week with no feeding except calmag since I'm using FFHF...
  9. Generic.Name

    Photos from my first grow and harvest

    Two bag seeds from a friend of wedding cake but honestly it could be anything. The shorter bushier plant is a blueberry hill from herbies. All photo periods. Planted them all in September and super happy about how they turned out considering it was my first grow. Cut down the Wedding Cake...
  10. Generic.Name

    Mini harvest

    Those trichomes looks sick. What was the total yield?
  11. Generic.Name


    Just light bleaching. Maybe you're mistaking the bleached pistils for nanners. I don't see any though (:
  12. Generic.Name

    Rdwc nutrient issue need help identifying

    The rust spots are most likely due to a calmag deficiency. This make sense since it has the most growth meaning that it has used up a lot of nutrients. I know you're using a one part mix but I would really recommend getting a cal-mag supplement. I'm not familiar with RDWC but I do know that...
  13. Generic.Name

    Still white pistils but trichomes are cloudy ?

    Its normal for plants to turn colour when they have been flushed for nutrients. From the sound of it you have been feeding full strength all the way to this point which could be causing a build up of salts in the soil, thus causing nutrient lockout. Instead of feeding so much you can Feed...
  14. Generic.Name

    What Are You Listening To?

    Rex Orange County-Apricot Princess Mos Def- Black on Both Sides Kanye West-Ye, Life of Pablo Kendrick Lamar-All of his albums and songs I fucking love it all So much more then I could ever put here
  15. Generic.Name

    2022 New Giveaway Coming!!! 2 Winners!!!--Spider Farmer

    Thank you for hosting a giveaway! USA #spiderfarmerled