Recent content by GaNjaGaWds

  1. GaNjaGaWds

    open show an tell 19

    youve got some serious ph issues going on bud. check water and adjust to 7...7.5 and water thourghly. good luck!
  2. GaNjaGaWds

    How to grow a 3/4 foot tall outdoor plant?

    You might want to check your laws again... Washington actually looks like the shittiest place to grow out of all the states! Can only grow four if not registered with your city and you can still be arrested if you are seen growing. Wich means even though there isn't a written law, you will still...
  3. GaNjaGaWds

    open show an tell 19

    Got planted today. Clover is grown in good. Cages are in place. Let it grow!! 4 weeks ahead this season then last! Sour diesel here we go!
  4. GaNjaGaWds

    Massachusetts Outdoor Grow 2019

    I saw earlier in the post about doing greenhouses to battle the weather. If your new to them just make sure you have plenty of ventilation!! That is key to making a greenhouse work properly. Good luck to everyone this season!! Have a Dank Day!!
  5. GaNjaGaWds

    Pot size for outdoor?

    Larger the better. Get the biggest that you can move. Put em on wheels if you have to. Or make sure well working handles are on the pot. Happy growing!!
  6. GaNjaGaWds

    open show an tell 19

    Greenhouse all set and ready. Waiting for clones to harden off till planting.
  7. GaNjaGaWds

    Planters of the trees unite!!

    Planters of the trees unite!!