Recent content by G23

  1. G23 Howdy Mr Me, little vid on fertilizers. thought you... Howdy Mr Me, little vid on fertilizers. thought you might like. G23
  2. G23

    NSW Medicinal Marijuana Hearings calling for submissions Right Now!!! 2 days left

    Hi Buckets. Sorry about the lateness of my reply, I don't do the forums much. I just wanted to say that I’m a grower (not a dealer) and I very much support the cause. Marijuana is not a dirty word. It's a botanic description and the term we need to disassociate Medical Marijuana with, is DRUG...
  3. G23

    Indoor Hydroponic Strawberries

    Hey all, Thought I would try some strawberries in a recirculating system I had free. Having a few little problems, but it's going pretty good I think. Any advice gladly accepted, anybody want advice I’ll do my best. Picture#1... about 6 weeks old. looking pretty good. Picture#2... Aphids...