Recent content by Fusrodah7

  1. F

    Can’t diagnose my sick plants! Will they live ?

    Hi Guys, I’ve been trying to grow some granddaddy purple autos for like 1 month now, and I seem to keep running into issues. I thought I had slow growth because the temps were quite cold (lowest I had was like 12degrees, with the average around 20degrees). But I’ve put got a heater in the room...
  2. F

    Main cola leaves turning yellowing and dying?

    Thanks so much! I’ll give her some phosphorus today!
  3. F

    Main cola leaves turning yellowing and dying?

    Hi Guys, I’m new to growing, and I’ve stumbled across a problem that I’m keen to know the solution for. I think I’ve pretty much ruled out all the common reasons for leaves yellowing... I gave it a week without nutrients and it looked like it got slightly worse, and then gave it slightly more...