Recent content by Funkypharaoh

  1. Funkypharaoh

    First time LST training

    Now she's looking happier. S/O to mammoth brewery for making some of the tastiest beer around.
  2. Funkypharaoh

    First time LST training

    Not liking the heat too much
  3. Funkypharaoh

    First time LST training

    It's outdoor
  4. Funkypharaoh

    First time LST training

    She's filling out pretty well.. Also bent over the scrawnier one again.
  5. Funkypharaoh

    First time LST training

    Hopefully this gives the sides some time to catch up with the top..
  6. Funkypharaoh

    First time LST training

    Alright so you think I have time? Also you can see in the pictures those side branches that are trying to grow upward are getting a lot of light blocked from the big leaf above them. Should I pull it?
  7. Funkypharaoh

    First time LST training

    Debating on whether I should bend her over again when she gets a little taller or not. I'm not sure if I'll have enough veg time to keep training. What do you guys think? Outdoor in northern Cali, near Yosemite.
  8. Funkypharaoh

    LST question

    This is my first time trying low stress training, so I only did it to two of my plants to see the comparison. I want to bend her over one more time to give those side branches as much light as possible, but I'm not sure if I'll have enough time in veg to keep training. Growing outdoor in...
  9. Funkypharaoh

    Rockies Outdoor Super Lemon Haze

    For sure, looks like it'll be a monster! Yeah I'm hoping to get some good phenos. It's a killer strain. & I started them in happy frog soil. I think I'm going to make my own mix for the holes.
  10. Funkypharaoh

    Rockies Outdoor Super Lemon Haze

    Lookin good. I'm getting two super lemons started right now as well. Got the seeds in the ground on the 21st so I'm hoping it's not too late. Good luck with your grow, can't wait to see how she turns out.
  11. Funkypharaoh

    First time LST training

    Just bent her over for the second time
  12. Funkypharaoh

    First time LST training

    Awesome looking plant. I think I'm gonna go with this style.
  13. Funkypharaoh

    First time LST training

  14. Funkypharaoh

    First time LST training

    perking up nicely after one day
  15. Funkypharaoh

    First time LST training

    Here's the one that snapped.. And here's the snap.. . I pushed a piece of wire into the soil to hold this one down. Seems to be doing alright.