Recent content by FropHead

  1. FropHead

    Thinking of R.O. water? You may want to think again.

    Yeah they aren't really prohibitively expensive anymore. 85-100 bucks is about what I've seen them for. But I would also agree that anything under a couple hundred PPM would be fine to grow with. I tested mine yesterday and I was pleased to see it comes out 77 ppm from my well. Gotta love...
  2. FropHead

    Here's whats going on in our state

    I have been looking for a patient to grow for for a while now however. That way I can kill two birds with one stone and help out someone in need.
  3. FropHead

    Here's whats going on in our state

    Never heard of that before...I guess cut the buds and dry em on a screen lol... Ya when I was a kid people teased me a lot for my soon as I found weed for it though people are generally shocked to hear I have it...I tried probably half a dozen or more rx drugs as well and none...
  4. FropHead

    Here's whats going on in our state

    I am so sad 74 didn't pass...$1000 and anyone can be a producer, regardless of medicinal status. That would have been so cool. And only $2000 for a dispensary license! That could have created so much income potential for so many hurting people. Honestly, OMMP as it is kinda sucks. It is...
  5. FropHead

    Watch out for this north portland thief.....every one read...portland oregon look out

    That's pretty jacked what those people did, but IMO you have to take full responsibility for hiring strangers to do your trimming. That is just asking to get robbed, I don't care what organization recommended them. Deal with people you know and respect. Count on strangers to show you respect...
  6. FropHead

    Hey I am an experienced grower looking for a patient to supply for an upcoming grow. What part...

    Hey I am an experienced grower looking for a patient to supply for an upcoming grow. What part of central OR are you from? I am in the Bend/LaPine area.
  7. FropHead

    Trying True Aeroponics/ High Pressure Aero

    For anyone interested check out they have some really affordable pumps and they look pretty decent.
  8. FropHead

    Best Fan Ever. Extremely Quiet

    Nice gonna give one a shot on the new setup. When I bought my 6" valueline inline I knew it would be loud but...damn! If these are as quiet as you say I am sold...
  9. FropHead

    Should some leafage be pruned to let light penetrate canopy

    No way to prove you are a shitty grower like spending all your time on the internet shit-talking another grower. How about you at least make it interesting for us and post these infamous pictures for all to see? How about some fucking evidence? Anything? Ya, I'm the best fucking grower on the...
  10. FropHead

    Prop 74 voted down in Oregon...

    Oregonians are officially dispensaries this year. :(
  11. FropHead

    Yes on 19!

    My feelings on this are that anybody with half a brain living in California can already get their medical card no problem. So if you live in California and are going to jail for weed you are probably a fucking idiot. So what is the point of this again? Have you actually read the bill? There...
  12. FropHead

    Free Grow Software!

    Very nice start indeed! Very intuitive, features make sense, program seems to work as advertised. Features I would include/add to the list: Linux/Android support would be first on my list. Check out the Android developer API, it makes things wicked simple and gives you a lot of cool options...
  13. FropHead

    Oregon OMMP and Growers.

    I'm a cali native who moved to Oregon a little over a year ago. I love living here except I think the OMMP is a little strict on who they give a card too. I have an incurable syndrome called Tourettes Syndrome which causes urges for me to flick my eyes left and right, clear my throat and just...
  14. FropHead

    Advanced nutrients boycott

    It doesn't matter how much research a company does on their nutrients regimen, all they can do is establish a base general standard of the conditions they think most people will be growing in and improve their product according to that standard. A nutrient program that grows the best herb in...
  15. FropHead

    How to blind the eye in the sky????

    Detecting heat signatures inside your home was ruled unconstitutional quite some time ago. They don't do flyovers like that anymore. They might fly over and look for any large outdoor operations but they cannot legally look at heat signatures for your house. Don't worry about it.