Recent content by Foggy Bottom

  1. Foggy Bottom

    Aloe Vera & Yucca

    Again... I would like to thank you for your info on the particular strain. Binged it on images and I believe the long leafed plant also has what appears to be long white hairs growing off of the blade like leaf. Excellent.
  2. Foggy Bottom

    Aloe Vera & Yucca

    You my friend have given the EXACT info and answer I've been in need of!! Thank You!
  3. Foggy Bottom

    Aloe Vera & Yucca

    Which strain of the Yucca plant is most commonly used with Aloe Vera for foliar feeding applications or root drenching...? There are several strains of the Yucca plant. I need atleast one specific strain thats most applicable towards cannabis of the OG Kush variety. Any ideas or knowledge would...
  4. Foggy Bottom

    Lets get REAL about US based seed banks... 4real

    "Man...... Don't make me pull this car over" You are so right. Until we get a president with a real set of BALLS who can tell the Attorney Gereral to remove weed from class 1 to the same class as Alcohol and Tobacco.... We are always going to be looking over our shoulders and hoping things...