Recent content by FloridaKryp

  1. F

    Vu-du to buy seeds?

    looks like the carry alot of stuff that alot of other banks don't carry and prices seem on par with others
  2. F

    Best way to hang 400 w HPS from Ceiling

    Thanks in Advance
  3. F

    wild pot growing on a NYC sidewalk!!

    Im trying to holla at my friend that lives in NY to get me a cutting lets hope he checks his email soon, wish I had his number damn it
  4. F

    wild pot growing on a NYC sidewalk!!

    you better go atleast get a cutting of it because I am sure someone is going to pull it soon. Looks like an indica predominant strain
  5. F

    Pink Kryptonite

    do u have a site or anything I want to get some of that
  6. F

    purple ,purple and more purple

    hey I don't know if you noticed but De Sajmaan Seeds Purple Widow for just over $25 to me seems about the best deal on the site Genetics wise I would go with the P-Trainwreck. I haven't smoked it, but I have had smoke Trainwreck and Urkle and they both are very high thc.
  7. F

    Most Memorable Place You've Toked

    Backstage at a Snoop Dogg concert with Snoop, Daz, and Warren G It was all the more sweeter because me and my buddy were busted right outside the arena. Thank god we had something like 19g on us not 20g, So we both got misdemeanors but they didn't arrest us. They uncuffed us just in time to see...
  8. F

    Greenhouse colored seeds

    hey guys these seeds aren't meant to be germinated in anything but soil. If you put them in water or wet paper towel you will lose the special coating which has some stimulants to help your baby grow. Just stick it in the soil and start watering.
  9. F

    Whats up with selling pot by weight?

    I feel bad for you average joe dealer, most of them who sell weed make very little money. They can't buy in the bulk they need to make a decent profit. Most dealers are making less than $100 per OZ they sell. The biggest problem is unlike Coke you arent going to be craving more and more bud...
  10. F

    Anyone grown Hashberry, Trainwreck,...?

    trainwreck is super fire but I here to watch for hermie traits. I here KC Brains is garbage
  11. F

    How many bulbs do I need to grow 10 plants 12/12 from start?

    I have a closest that is about 6 ft long x 3 ft wide. I was going to try to grow 10 plants 12/12 from start. Is this to many plants? Could I fit more?
  12. F

    Questions about VISC Black Velvet?

    Hey has anyone ever grown Black Velvet by VISC or smoked it? What did you think of it? Does it have a deep purple/black color that ive seen in alot of picture.
  13. F

    Now that my crop is full of seeds...

    what kind of seeds are they? you could always try and sell them on seedbay or bidzbay. Why not if you barely make anything you still be gaining something. And you would still probably have a ton of seeds to last you a long long time.
  14. F

    carbonated water increase plant growth

    it actually kind of makes sense but 100% growth diffrence seems a little big. It might be expensive to keep feeding your baby's carbonated water.
  15. F

    has anyone in the U.S. bought from bc seeds

    I recommend they have good prices and a good selection. My friend got white widow seeds in 7 days.