Recent content by Florida Blooms

  1. Florida Blooms

    how much longer (pics included) gimme your comments!!!

    CFLs = non-dense bud. I would be highly suprised if it does. I find the best thing to do it expect half of what i want.
  2. Florida Blooms

    Anyone tell me strain? Day 47 of flower pics

    Looks to me like a couple Sativas straight from Mexico. ANY seed will suprise you.
  3. Florida Blooms

    how much longer (pics included) gimme your comments!!!

    Your choice bro. If it was me - i wouldnt. To cure it properly you would need 2 weeks. But you could always waste a good bud and throw it in the oven on 100 F for about 15 minutes. Good luck.
  4. Florida Blooms

    anyone here use T5 (grow lights)

    I've been looking for a decent T5 grow journal - Thanks. I've been considerin the switch since summer is coming and im in FL. I bet i spend just as much on my electricity bill with the AC cooled room as I do the 400w MH (that sounded confusing).
  5. Florida Blooms

    AC -> cooltube = no go?

    So it has been deemed safe by the rollitup crew? Or still under trial and error? I'm going to wait for more people to view thread before i go breaking shit. lol
  6. Florida Blooms

    AC -> cooltube = no go?

    I'm using a 400 watt mh atm. :X
  7. Florida Blooms

    AC -> cooltube = no go?

    That's what im saying... Sure would be nice to block the moisture somehow and let my babies get as close as they want to the HID.
  8. Florida Blooms

    AC -> cooltube = no go?

    Okie, thanks... didnt know if the cooled air would crack the bulb or cooltube.
  9. Florida Blooms

    AC -> cooltube = no go?

    Will I break my pyrex bake a round if i jimmy my AC vent to my hood?? Heat + Cold = bad news?
  10. Florida Blooms

    Remove lower growth??

    I know alot of people remove the lower branches for cloning. I've also heard it can increase yield on the top cola. Try it out! Only way to find out!
  11. Florida Blooms

    my stealth grow chamber!%^ drawss

    lol!!! But atleast its got a power cord!
  12. Florida Blooms

    1 of 6 is female. /reboot

    Thanks for all the advice! I was defiantly looking into scroging. Bagseed =/. . . I ordered Big Bud from Nirvana a while ago and the wife doesnt want to chance it again. Not that there is much risk. Which she doesnt under stand =/
  13. Florida Blooms

    1 of 6 is female. /reboot

    Because you can get just about the same lumens on the 4 florescent bulbs as you can on a slighty used hid bulb for HALF the amount of the electricity. Plus my Heating is killa. That AC is on atleast 3/4 of the time - even with energy save mode on! lol. Whatcha think?
  14. Florida Blooms

    1 of 6 is female. /reboot

    Okay, so I've learned that one can not rely on a mere 6 plants to have a good crop. I've decided to bump it up to 10! Hopefully my odds will be much different this time. Specs: 400 Watt Mh/Hps (hopefully soon to be 4 bulb sun blaze florescent) 1 Window AC 1 Circulating fan No humidity control...
  15. Florida Blooms

    are hortilux bulbs worth it?

    Thanks for all the awesome info <3.