Recent content by FilthyFizzle

  1. FilthyFizzle

    The Return of the like button

    I "Like" this post
  2. FilthyFizzle

    Anonymous hits RIU

    You guys may be right, idk and I don't care. While there may have been discussions before about 9/11, this is the year 2012.. Not only is it King Obama's re-election year but it is also the most technologically inclined year we have experienced. Internet is going to be the standard of...
  3. FilthyFizzle

    Anonymous hits RIU

    Speaking of hackers, these are interesting.. This one is about Vupen hacking google chrome and this is about how Th3 Consortium hacked UncleBuck's...
  4. FilthyFizzle

    Anonymous hits RIU

    Defiantly something to do with the us gov. As I recall we were having a quite interesting talk about September 11th and some fun facts were being tossed around. I am not a 9/11 truther so don't get the wrong impression if you were not part of the thread.. I knew some were crossing the line...
  5. FilthyFizzle

    3 Word Story

    brand toilet paper
  6. FilthyFizzle

    The 12th Imam?

    Here's something besides atheism and Christianity for you guys to bicker about.. I'm not a Muslim scholar nor do I care to research their beliefs, call me narrow minded... I was wondering what you guys thought about Mahdi, or the 12th Imam form the Muslim religion and if you believe he will...
  7. FilthyFizzle

    U.S.A. vs. the middle east

    Citizens of the world should be prepared for anything and everything
  8. FilthyFizzle

    U.S.A. vs. the middle east

    Couldn't it be a possibility that "radical Muslims" would want to pull this off with the hope of the 12th Imam or Mahdi returning? And if a HEMP isn't sufficient, what would be? Global collapse due to the Euro and U.S. dollar hyperinflation?
  9. FilthyFizzle

    U.S.A. vs. the middle east

    Why do you think it wont happen? Is Iran not capable of detonating a nuke out of the atmosphere fired from a cargo ship in the Gulf of Mexico?
  10. FilthyFizzle

    U.S.A. vs. the middle east

    Why do you think the U.S. gov is so concerned about nukes? They are worried about HEMPs. The gov did a study or something in 2008 about EMPs and ever scince then have been policing the world
  11. FilthyFizzle

    U.S.A. vs. the middle east

    Haha I'm hoping that's sarcasm. It's soo probable its frightening. No one in their right mind would set of a nuke in the earths atmosphere because of radiation.. But if you do it out side of the earths atmosphere you eliminate the nuclear fallout and still devastate your enemy. Imo it's going to...
  12. FilthyFizzle

    U.S.A. vs. the middle east

    So in the event of Israel and a Muslim country like Iran striking each other with bombs and missiles, do you think that Iran, North Korea, China, or Russia will detonate an EMP over the United States? Or a HEMP rather. I've been aware of the threat of an emp for a couple years but lately I've...
  13. FilthyFizzle

    Faster than the speed of light

    Just found this. Give it a look if you have time
  14. FilthyFizzle

    Faster than the speed of light

    Has anyone heard of neutrinos? Pretty interesting, some scientist have been doing studies with these nearly mass less sub particles and have possibly proven E=mc2 to be incorrect. It is my understanding that if this is true, time travel would be possible. If the mass reaches the finish line...
  15. FilthyFizzle

    Did Ron Paul Win Iowa, Nevada, Minnesota, Colorado and Missouri?

    Obama wants Romney to get it so he can beat him in the elections. There is no dem or rep its all the same agenda.