Recent content by Fiend and I need this

  1. F

    Outdoor: flowering started 6days ago,pistils drying

    they dont seem to be drying, just darkening. its too hot. about 100 average, but its sort of covered, so it doesnt get too much dirrect light, just a few hours. it was equally as hot towards the end of veg, and it seemed fine...
  2. F

    Outdoor: flowering started 6days ago,pistils drying

    i am having the same problem outdoor, i am about 2 1/2 weeks into flower and some leaves are yellowing, and pistils are darkening. im having trouble finding an answer anywhere
  3. F

    Spider Mites

    when using the soap and water spray, how long do i leave it on for? i have read to rinse it off, and to let it stay... any help?
  4. F

    Spiders on my weed plants

    Is hydrogen peroxide more effective than an alcohol mix? and are either of these methods bad to use in flower?
  5. F

    Spider mites, White Fly & Alcohol

    my girl has mites, and small webs forming. She is just starting the first week of flowering. Is it too late to use the alcohol and water spray?
  6. F

    Spiders on my weed plants

    mine is currently changing from preflowering to flowering, and there are many webs in the newly forming buds. Is it too late for any sprays? or do i still have a little time?
  7. F

    When does average preflowering/Flowering in Central California begin?

    Hello, i was wondering when the average outdoor preflowering and flowering starts in central california? cause im pretty sure its starting to preflower, but i was told it shouldnt flower til sept so im confused... any help?
  8. F

    Please tell me these are not all male! :(

    hey, this is off topic, but im new here and havnt found how to create a new thread. but i was wondering when then average outdoor preflowering and flowering startin central california? cause im pretty sure its starting to preflower, but i was told it shouldnt flower til sept so im confused...