Thanks much for the feedback, fellow Ents. The best advice I think is to now jump in. Haven't bought the seeds yet but will soon. I'll keep everyone posted on progress. Thanks again to all!
Does seem counter-intuitive, doesn't it? One of the coolest things about this plant is how much it's taught me about biology. It just keeps giving and giving :-)
Doing a little research on the rest period thing and came up with this from Ed Rosenthal:
"One way in which plants are categorized is by the way they gather and handle carbon dioxide. Cannabis is a C3 plant. It uses the CO2 it gathers during the light period, when it is photosynthesizing...
Thanks for the response, Cookie. Appreciate the feedback. Can you explain what you mean by plants needing time to "rest" and how it benefits the plant. I've not come across that concept. Cheers.
I’m a new member and first-time grower getting ready for his first grow. I have designed a cabinet set-up and planned my grow. I hope to detail the design and plan in this looooong post and request criticism, advice, feedback, or comments from any and all readers with cannabis cultivation...