I just wanted to add what I think happened, but this is pure opinion. I think that when you switched her light and up potted her in the same day it was just a tad too much stress for her. I tend to try and do one or the other in one day. Try to switch her light and let her acclimate to it for a...
I think it looks good. I am famous for struggling with low humidity. especially this time of year. I use a cheap ultrasonic humidifier, but after trail and error I have learned to use ro water in it due to the mineral dust from my tap covering everything in a white layer causing blockages in the...
I think it looks good, and the 26 watt bulb is perfect for seedlings in my opinion. I aim for about 2-4 in. from the plant. I am not sure about what you mean by a grow bulb, but I imagine it is a cfl. What color is the light (Kelvins)? As far as nutients go I would say that depends on a lot such...
Hey no worries it happens to all of us. I don't want to say it, but it is possible that you need to consider pulling that one. I know you love her already and she holds a piece of your heart, but in reality she May be more prone to bring a disease and pest into your grow room. It can hurt I know...
Well I have some feminized WW and regular WW both from seedsman and I believe quality is unnoticeable between the two (labels needed for these girls for sure) as it basically all boils down to genetics and care. I have given many cuts of these two to many heady friends and it has never mattered...