Recent content by Feesh_ZA

  1. F

    First Grow almost done?

    Hey thanks for replying. It's not really about wanting to smoke it :) Im concerned about WPM building up on the inside of the plant. It's an AutoFlower so im afraid of trimming some leaves off, because of how sensitive they are
  2. F

    First Grow almost done?

    Hi Guys Reluctantly, i have to post another "is she ready" thread. I know that the tric's are supposed to be cloudy - and using personal preference , a few % may become amber. My jewelers loupe only goes up to 40x , and with my weak eyes, i still cant see anything. Could any seasoned grower...
  3. F

    WPM Defense

    Hey guys I have about 2 weeks of flowering left over on my auto. I was about to start flushing today, and saw WPM forming on the bottom leaves, and pro actively started defoliating some of the larger fan leaves for more air flow. Will this turn out to have been a bad idea? I know Auto's are...
  4. F

    First Time ( CFL Micro Grow )

    Hi Guys Could someone help me diagnose the following seedling? Growing in coco choir. 150 watt worth of 5 x CFL's. Temps never go higher than 30'C and never below 25'C. ( RH 60% ). 18/6 Light Cycle. The leaves are crinkly , pointing downwards, and not feeling as 'moist' as i would hope. I...
  5. F

    First Time Indoor Grow. How things look?

    Hey man they are looking good! Is that WPM on the lower leaves? I'm also pretty new to this myself. :)
  6. F

    Crispy Plant

    Hi Guys I have read that flowering can cause discoloration on the lower regions of the plant, and would like some input on my case. The attached, was a "fire and forget" grow, I simply threw a seed in a hole, and a few months later, this was the result. The plant was in very good health...