Recent content by FattyBoMatty

  1. F

    1st Grow Ever - Chemdog / Soil - 3x3x6 Grow Tent

    So after another few months of absence, and smoking all the pot i grew, Ill be posting some final grow pics. In the end, It was some amazing tasting bud, especially off #2 which was Vegged for only about 2 weeks before triggering. I managed to produce 6oz from 3 plants on my first attempt at...
  2. F

    1st Grow Ever - Chemdog / Soil - 3x3x6 Grow Tent

    Hey everyone! Been a while, i know i know :( Ive been getting lazy and my journal has suffered, lots has been going on in my life with a new job and vehicle, the baby boy growin up and all! Its not easy growin up... glad i have my pot! In Fact, i just harvested one of my girls, #2 in fact! She...
  3. F

    1st Grow Ever - Chemdog / Soil - 3x3x6 Grow Tent

    Hey folks! Its been a long time since ive got to log in and post anything, Moved the family and we're finally about unpacked and cleaned up, luckily i have lots of pot to get me through the move lol Right now my plants arent lookin to bad at all, considering i slightly over fed on the last...
  4. F

    3 Word Story

    are peyote buttons
  5. F

    Help with 250whps please

    He is right man, you need a ballast. All lights except incandescents will require a ballast, unless they are listed and sold as Self ballasting bulbs. Oh.. If you want to avoid a ballast, you could always use a kerosine lamp... puts of huge lumens... and produces its own CO2 lol
  6. F

    Bestest stoner games?

    Diablo 3!!! Battlefield 2 and 3, and NHL 12. Havent played Elder scrolls since Oblivion, but the wife picked up Skyrim and now Im waiting for the MMO release of Skyrim. Cant beat the classics though, Frogger and Tetris via Flash is always a good time killer
  7. F

    Soooooo I took some ecstasy.

    Worse than a salvia trip my friend.... much worse :( I got loaded into an ambulance because of sleep dep/stress..... I thought i was dying.
  8. F

    Soooooo I took some ecstasy.

    Actually fella, these days drug dealers are sneaking PDMA into their pills.. MDMA is getting somewhat harder to come across and like most drug dealers, they want to increase/maximize sales and will do so by selling you something else under the name Ecstacy. PDMA is usually what kills these days...
  9. F

    Banana Kush

    I ordered up some Banana Kush, from a Canadian website. I know it seems risky, but there is some customer service, the stealth could be stealthier too... All in all, out of 10 Banana beans, 8 were for sure going to pop, 2 were black and cracked, also tossed in 6 AK 47...
  10. F

    Banana Kush???!!!???

    Hey guys, have any of you folks heard of such a straing? I orderd 10 seeds from these guys... 2 of which were cracked and rotten looking when they arrived, but i also recieved 6 ak47. But seriously, does this strain even exist? their website looks soooo boggus
  11. F

    BC seeds (that went out of business) existing strain grow journal

    i bet this guy is just a rep trying to promote the dead seedbank and start the ripoff train.
  12. F

    1st Grow Ever - Chemdog / Soil - 3x3x6 Grow Tent

    Hey guys, back with photos and an update. Chem 1 is doing pretty good aside from possible being root bound, but her leaves are turning a bit yellow on the bottom. I just transplanted 1 & 2, and started training 1 (im using 18gauge copper wire). Also, ive ordered up a Digital PH meter for soil...
  13. F

    I have a date With lucy tommorow.

    Ive popped 6 in one sitting... pretty intene...
  14. F

    1st Grow Ever - Chemdog / Soil - 3x3x6 Grow Tent

    Yup, just a 250w with some feminized Chemdog. My setup is very McGiver, or redneck if you wanna be a dick about it lol :D Ill get a few pics of my setup tonight, before and after i install the carbon filter and fan that just arrived from Ontario. Ebay Rocks!! I really need some yoyo's or chains...
  15. F

    1st Grow Ever - Chemdog / Soil - 3x3x6 Grow Tent

    So this morning i got up and went to check on the kids and here is what i see! Chem 1 is looking pretty healthy still, top leaves are looking a bit darker in color now, but the leaves are also looking droopy, or at least in my eyes they appear a bit droopy. ALso today they got watered, almost 4...