Recent content by EyezReallowYoUKnO

  1. EyezReallowYoUKnO

    Im Going To Buy Hemp Seeds And Plant Them Everywhere

    lmao well i never seen the plants personally but my friend asked me before if i ever heard the sotry when a guy planted a shit ton of weed seeds all around our peninsula... lol i guess its a true story..
  2. EyezReallowYoUKnO

    Aerogarden round #1

    so your sayin ill be smokin dog shit mannnnn??????? but hey,... "it getsya high dont itt????" lmaoo
  3. EyezReallowYoUKnO

    Aerogarden round #1

    LMAO DAMNN SON,..... wow i theirs alotta people out there growin that think their in a science class or somethin,... this is the first time ill ever be growin weed lol n my closet.. so im at risk to gettin busted.. but i dont have the tools nor time to be doin all those measurements... i do...
  4. EyezReallowYoUKnO

    can u gro n the aero w/out mods!?

    shiiit for now i just lowered the bitch with rubberbands haha and when it gets taller,.. i guess ill put a pen n the bak for a couple more inches u know? i dunno wut ima do when these babys grow to big for the bed haha,.. buttt i guarentee my grandparents will notice it by then,. so lol i dunno
  5. EyezReallowYoUKnO

    Auto AK-47 (CFL) (Lowlife Seeds)

    damnn!!! that baby is lookin shagggyyy!~
  6. EyezReallowYoUKnO

    So we had this SUB today...

    hahaa i remember days when i swear my math teacher was ripped!! it was first period GEO.. id b n the clouds after a morning burn.. one time he was teachin angles.. like <A is congruent to what ever.. and he called on me... dan whats the answer? ummm "as i pull out my calculator and crunch some...
  7. EyezReallowYoUKnO

    can u gro n the aero w/out mods!?

    Damn! it seems like the aerogrow isnt capable of actually growing buds! thats all i wanna know!! lol i see all these people talking about these mods and the transportation out of the aerogrow under some other high powered lights,.. i already bought the thing,.. i got sum seeds chillin n a...