Recent content by enigmaphoenix

  1. enigmaphoenix

    Goo's Cartoons

    I understand. Good on you for putting your studies first. If you find some time away from them please let me know. Cheers, Enigma
  2. enigmaphoenix

    Passive Intake Enough or Not?

    What's your volume? Comes down to some math, I've never used an active intake, just active exhaust. If you can keep the temp stable and still move adequate air to cycle the volume (every 5 minutes is plenty) then you are fine. If it's still too cold in there go with a heating unit adequate...
  3. enigmaphoenix

    Transplant it or not?

    Agreed. Sooner the better. Cheers, Enigma
  4. enigmaphoenix

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Wanted to say THANK YOU!!!! To: Heisenberg and everyone else that has contributed to this thread. Saved my ladies from certain doom. Roots are recovering nicely, will be giving the roots a quick rinse one more time this Sunday with a fresh res to give the bennies a nice head start. They...
  5. enigmaphoenix

    New growth - early issues

    Status update: It all definitely started with a Cal deficiency! Progressed over the days following nutrient bump to 800's ~. I adjusted with CalMag at that point as I've gone RO. A couple days after adjustment I was hit by the dreaded brown slime. :( Set me back a bit, but quickly brewed...
  6. enigmaphoenix

    My Arizer Air just croaked on me...

    Failures happen, how they respond to failure is key. They have what appears to be a decent warranty. I have no experience with them but am curious as to how your experience goes. Keep us posted! Thanks, Enigma
  7. enigmaphoenix

    My first grow ever.

    Pics? Curious how this lemongrass is coming along! ;) Cheers, Enigma
  8. enigmaphoenix

    Goo's Cartoons

    Really dig your style and some of your messages. Wondering if you are available for a commissioned piece?
  9. enigmaphoenix


    I have to agree with everyone else. Looks like overwater exasperated by compact soil. You should be ok with FF soil for a seedling (although it's a bit much), but if you don't mix in at least 50/50 with perlite that soil is going to be too tight! also you said you put holes in the side of the...
  10. enigmaphoenix

    Go Green LEDs Cree CXB3070 grow lights

    Appreciate you clearing that up! As an advertiser I would reach out to the rollitup admins to have them modify the OP.
  11. enigmaphoenix

    Go Green LEDs Cree CXB3070 grow lights

    Have to agree. I don't like this kind of marketing strategy at all! If you have a great product you will get the good reviews. Offering 15% off only if a good review is given, no thanks. Warning sign of a sub-par product for sure!
  12. enigmaphoenix

    My first grow ever.

    Quick, hide the lemongrass before the cops get here! ;) I like the ingenuity.
  13. enigmaphoenix

    Will i pass?

    Id recommend, to be on the safe side. Do all your flushing, then the last couple days go back to a normal routine. Some testers will throw a flag if they find elevated levels of many other compounds that are linked to flushing routines. <-- Not from my experience, but I've had to test for...
  14. enigmaphoenix

    Abundancy Problem

    Love the discussion and that we are all learning something through this exchange. I certainly am taking a lot away from it and it has spurred more research on my end. Ca and Mg are the two main constituents in hard water. CaCl2-and Ca(NO)3 seem to be the most widely used in agriculture as a...
  15. enigmaphoenix

    I have a question about heat.

    That's a pretty old LED system. I'm not familiar with them directly, but judging from their specs and the absolutely massive sinks and fans they are using. I'd say that xlu 750 puts of a good amount of heat. If you got one for a couple hundred bucks, great. I wouldn't pay more than that...