Recent content by EleetDoja

  1. EleetDoja

    how long can i bew my AACT?

    1 gallon R/O water, 1/4 cup worm castings, 1 tbsp all purpose (4-4-4),1 tbsp kelp meal, 1 tablespoon High(N) seabird guano, 1 tbsp unsulphured blackstrap molasses, 1 teaspoon liquid fish. Bubble for 24 hours and dilute with at least 1 gallon R/O water. stir between feeding plants. This is a...
  2. EleetDoja

    1st LED Grow- 5 weeks into flowering

    I am growing out of 3 gallon pots. Using true living organics. I utilize layers and spikes to simulate how nature has done it for millions of years. The aroma and taste of TLO grown bud is not comparable to any other method.
  3. EleetDoja

    1st LED Grow- 5 weeks into flowering

    I will never go back to HID now. I am loving the LED's. I am ordering a Helios 280 next week. From there I am hoping to learn to build my own units.
  4. EleetDoja

    1st LED Grow- 5 weeks into flowering

    This strain is Iron Cindy from KOS genetics.
  5. EleetDoja

    Building Your Own LED Grow Light

    I am using an Apollo 6 at the moment, getting fantastic results. I am purchasing a Helios 280 next week. Just to shed some more light on the grow for now. But I have been trying to learn how to make my own custom grow lights complete with heat sinks and 60 degree lenses. If anyone has any info...
  6. EleetDoja

    Lighting issues plus electric bill etc

    Switch to LED's. The new ones are incredible. They have the spectrum down to a science and the par is bang on. My 200 watt Apollo 6 LED will out perform a 400 watt HPS with ease. They use 50% of the power, barely get warm, and no more changing expensive bulbs. This is my suggestion. Go to...
  7. EleetDoja

    Enhancing your resin glands?

    That is a good idea. Never knew that. My very girls are 1-2 weeks from harvest so I will for sure be trying this 48 hour/dark time for my final 2 days.
  8. EleetDoja

    200 watt LED grow

    This is my first grow using LED grow lights. I am very impressed with the results so far. I have seen the finished product of so many friends that have one of these lights, I had to get one. Shopping for an LED grow light is a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. I am so blessed to...
  9. EleetDoja

    True Living Organics

    Hi(gh)!! I am Eleet. I grow elite medical marijuana. I am all organic, utilizing the TLO method of growing. TLO has changed my life so much for the better. My medicine is much more pure, it tastes better, and more important, it is very potent. I need a strong medicine as I suffer from multiple...
  10. EleetDoja

    Looking for medical patients!!!

    I have many patients looking for a DG in Southern Ontario. If anyone can help please let me know.
  11. EleetDoja

    Looking for medical patients!!!

    It can be quite difficult to find a physician to sign the forms. I found that money talks. If you can prove that you at least have a condition that marijuana would benefit, usually there is a Dr that will sign your forms for the right price, It is not right but i mean, if you are in a jam. I...
  12. EleetDoja

    Looking for medical patients!!!

    I have many people looking for a designated grower here in Ontario. Let me know if you would be up for it?
  13. EleetDoja

    True Living Organics

    These are some of my girls.