Recent content by electricthot12

  1. electricthot12


    Two and one half years ago, my brown thumbs and I created a mutation in my garden worth exploring. I am all solar, had a cloudy spell long enough to cause light problems, and got early flowerers. I had two early flowered females well covered with flowers, and and then a third plant flowered. A...
  2. electricthot12

    Is this reverting to veg stage?

    I've always said I was born for challenge. All the while trying to hide behind skin so thin it's nearly transparent. Ha Ha. Kick away! You'll either toughen me up, or kick me away....
  3. electricthot12

    Is this reverting to veg stage?

    Leaf and stem? I admit, I have two brown thumbs. Life would not interest me if it didn't challenge me. I probably get half the bulk I should be getting, so I just grow more. I give away everything I grow, to family and friends, except for personal stash. It saves them $. Must be a reaction to...
  4. electricthot12

    Is this reverting to veg stage?

    The only thing illegal about my grow is I have one plant too many.
  5. electricthot12

    Is this reverting to veg stage?

    I take chances. But, what's dangerous about that splice? The first wire is ALWAYS taped individually, and if it's important (heavy load), both wires are taped individually before they are taped together.
  6. electricthot12

    Is this reverting to veg stage?

    I've been smoking on it for two weeks now. It'll do. Sour Diesel.
  7. electricthot12

    Is this reverting to veg stage?

    This grow has been a disaster. First, I started loosing foliage badly about two weeks after switching to 12/12 lights. I discovered my soil was over 9 pH. A pH chart informed me nutrient uptake was inhibited in alkaline soil. So I started feeding FF Tiger Bloom the instructions. But...
  8. electricthot12

    Is this reverting to veg stage?

    This just started. It's nutient related, but I can't help wonder, is the sudden stretching due to it's reverting to veg stage? I admit adding a seedling in the room with 16 hrs of light may have triggered this, though the lights are well below the flowering foliage. I'm flushing this for...
  9. electricthot12

    Root Gnats

    I have had root gnats as long as I can remember. I have opened new bags of commercial potting soil and witnessed a cloud of them exiting the bag. Above ground, they are harmless, except in their capacity to lay eggs. Some say they are near impossible to eracicate. And as aphids, they can be bad...
  10. electricthot12


    They are whiteflies. I'm gonna get a bomb fogger.
  11. electricthot12


    Damping off is fungus.
  12. electricthot12


    I'm in a panic. I just went in there with my Ortho house pest insecticide. It has the added advantage of an electric sprayer which lets me spray the underside of the leaves. I tried to be sparing. Hope that hydrogen peroxide rinse works.....
  13. electricthot12


    Yeah. That's kinda like, fungus will kill a seedling, but plant life on earth could not exist without it.
  14. electricthot12


    It dawned on me I had lately been observing an abundance of what I have always called root gnats. I've never bothered with them. Store-bought potting soil can be full of them. They are always there. But these are not root gnats. At 60x, this is very much what they look like:
  15. electricthot12


    Early this morning I had to reset a light timer in my grow room before lights on, so I had my forehead light on. I had to sit on the floor to reach the timer, ( it was behind a grow bag), so I was looking up, at the underside of some flowering ladie's leaves. I was horrified to see white spots...