Recent content by ElectricPineapple

  1. ElectricPineapple

    Massive Yeilds & Massive Yields!! Seed Advice on Critical + and Big Bud

    critical mass. picked some up at my dispensary. they say big yielder. my opinion its a bomb indica.
  2. ElectricPineapple

    Luxor Hoods (They've Been Out For A While Now) - Anyone Have Firsthand Experience?

    the hydrofarm radiant, puts out quite a bit of light. and stay hella cool.
  3. ElectricPineapple

    adviced on reflector

    hydrofarm radiant hood. i have a radiant and an extrasun 6. the radiant puts out visibly 10% more light and stays 50% cooler. worth the extra price in my opinion.
  4. ElectricPineapple

    Awkward Earth Juice Situation

    are you inoculated your soil? organics dont work as well if you do not have a good microbial life in your soil. they break down the nutrients so the plant cant use them. in basic terms
  5. ElectricPineapple

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    overwatering? do you know what that looks like?
  6. ElectricPineapple

    Effin A man! Tap water PH drifted almost a point after sitting out for 48 hrs.

    your nutes are lowering the ph of your water. ph your solution before and after nutrients are added. when you have everything in the water, then retest it and see where your ph is. i would bet your nutes are droping the ph of the water, then it is bouncing back up. also let your solution...
  7. ElectricPineapple

    Electricpineapple's 2600 watt 10 Strain Madness GROW!!!!!!

    sweet. ya the florablend is kindof like some sortof compost tea but a little different. thanks t=for the feedback, i usually use water soluble chem nutes, but trying mostly to all organic this round :-0 everyother watering it is!
  8. ElectricPineapple

    Electricpineapple's 2600 watt 10 Strain Madness GROW!!!!!!

    Hey Rollitup!!bongsmilie So after getting fed up with this forum for awhile i am back and have been loving the energy coming from the boards! we have actual good mods now and lets keep these good vibrations raising HIGHER!! :hump: Now on to the grow, i have 2 1000 watters with air cooled...
  9. ElectricPineapple

    Effin A man! Tap water PH drifted almost a point after sitting out for 48 hrs.

    What happens is CO2 fall I have your water, loses an oxygen molecule them becomes carboxylic acid lowering your ph. A 6.0 ph wouldn't cause a N so quickly at least not in soil. Was your water ph before or after mutes put in?
  10. ElectricPineapple

    Has science proven cannabis to be completely safe?

    That is the only study which states cannabis kills brain cells. Any other study and actually uses logic to run an experiment or study
  11. ElectricPineapple

    Has science proven cannabis to be completely safe?

    All of this is true. Well except the lung cancer. There could be certain chemical in black market cannabis like ammonia and bleach to make it dry faster. This could be harmful. Also constant use ie HEAVY Smoked, the smoke will paralyze the cilia in your lings and air passages which could...
  12. ElectricPineapple

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    ya i turn my lamps off before i spray. well after a lot of research i think i have concluded what it is. i had an abundance of nitrogen, locking out calcium. i took some pics with my light on, and in the pics, it looks just like calcium deficiency. plus it is the most likely.
  13. ElectricPineapple

    Cant quite figure thia one out. help!

    Its definitely not a mag. I know what that looks like through and through. I've never had this def and I've been at it awhile. Lemme take some pics, the purple/brown spots are turning necrotic and killing the effected leaves. It is only on newer growth which throws me off. It was cold in my room...
  14. ElectricPineapple

    Cant quite figure thia one out. help!

    hi there. i have been going through so many def guides im going crazy. i think i have this figured out but want make sure. i just turned my lights off for 3 days to switch into flower. my temps at night were getting around the 50'f. its mostly on new growth, and i already know i have pretty good...
  15. ElectricPineapple

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    well i just foliared with some kelp at a LOW dose. it has a supply of micro nutes, and has an NPK of .3-.25-.15. this should correct it, if not at least help it.