Recent content by Eaglesfan429

  1. E

    Pre-flowering clones

    Thanks guys will do
  2. E

    Pre-flowering clones

    I took cuttings from a mother a month ago. I transplanted them about 2 weeks ago. I have kept them under 18/6 light cycle and humidity stays about 48. I trimmed the lower fan leaves 5 days ago so the lower nodes could get some light (dont know if that was a bad idea this early on). Everything...
  3. E

    Is my plant beyond saving?

    How about probe ph meters which ones would you guys trust??
  4. E

    Is my plant beyond saving?

    Concerning the light I worked as an electrician for a while so I decided to build my own LED ballast and wire it myself right into the house. I did a little research and from what I've seen, it turns out most home soil test kits aren't as accurate as they claim. s that a problem? Also I've heard...
  5. E

    Is my plant beyond saving?

    Also how do I test my ph. Do I test the soil, water or both? Where can I get testing kit and and what products do I use to raise or lower ph?
  6. E

    Is my plant beyond saving?

    I just realised I gave you guys no back story. I'll make it quick lol. it all started last weekend, I raised my plant onto milk crates because my ceiling light was too far away (9ft ceiling). Then it got really hot in the room for a few days (+85°f) and it hasn't recovered since. Before that it...
  7. E

    Is my plant beyond saving?

    I'm not sure what's going on with my plant but it seems to be dying. All the bottom leaves are brown and dead, the middle portion is yellow and dying, and the top portion is sort of green. All the leaves have brown curled tips. This is my first grow any help would be appreciated.
  8. E

    I have very skinny leaves

    Im still a noob. So I'm not sure where I can order nutrients, also which products are best. Help?
  9. E

    I have very skinny leaves

    Can anyone help figure out what could be causing skinny leaves like these? My plant is about two months old, I have been tipping. Also I think I may have removed too many fan leaves, would that make future fan leaves skinny? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you