Recent content by Dsntgrowpot

  1. D

    Does "Solarizing" Soil Work To Reduce Unwanted Weeds?

    I have heard of growing potatos in old tires I saw picture of it and it looked like it was working great
  2. D

    Where to buy good PC fans

    Does anyone have a good resource to buy 12volt pc fans. I looked at grainger and they are all below 30cfm is this normal. All input is appreciated
  3. D

    Got a good chilli recipe?

    Make sure you remove all the seeds and guts from the pepper. These make it hot. Plus the flesh is where the flavor is. Ha thats funny shit
  4. D

    lets c your pet pics! my pitbull bully pics

    Pit bulls jaws do not lock there is no mechanical locking. They have more heart and game than any other dog breed. Meaning whatever they do they will do it with 110% its doesn't matter to them if its biting someone/thing and hanging on till they are dead, or running in a park to chase a ball...
  5. D

    lets c your pet pics! my pitbull bully pics

    <p>This is Spook dog he is 12 years old Never turned on me. Pits are dogs before they are pits. They are products of there enviroment. He doesn't like new people but once they have been around he is ok with them. I think he doesn't trust new people around his family. Thanks for the pics yall</p>
  6. D

    Does "Solarizing" Soil Work To Reduce Unwanted Weeds?

    Thanks jonny organic thats the link i needed your the man
  7. D

    Does "Solarizing" Soil Work To Reduce Unwanted Weeds?

    Bigbenzo you don't understand i'm in the tropics. Once the problem gets out of hand its uncontrolable. It would take 6 or 8 hours a week to pull them.
  8. D

    Does "Solarizing" Soil Work To Reduce Unwanted Weeds?

    In my veggie garden I have a severe weed problem, pardon the pun, with pig weed, sedge, goose grass etc. I try to make it as organic as possible, therefore do not like to use herdicide. I am also to lazy/busy to pull them all. Has anyone used this method before? How long should I leave plastic...
  9. D

    Miracle grow Organic

    You hit it dead on oregonmeds thanks for your help
  10. D

    Miracle grow Organic

    no love yall?
  11. D

    Miracle grow Organic

    Does anyone know if miracle grow organic potting soil is prone to the same ph and nutrient problems as its cousin miracle grow?
  12. D

    Miracle Grow ORGANIC

    Does anyone have experiance with mg organic, is it prone to salty nute lock or ph problems like its cousin MG?
  13. D

    can someone tell me whats wrong with these plants

    I'm not a pro and only know from what I have read. But thats heat for sure. I would say more ventilation aka cooling is needed.
  14. D

    Replace Molasses with Honey?

    I would boil honey first in a small amount of water then add to mix. Honey is alive with microbes that may cause problems. I have used it before 2 tablespoons to a gallon of water Good luck
  15. D

    LST what has it done for you

    Good job d4. I also think Lst is the way to go in small or Micro grows. Topping you will end up bending them and tieing anyway