Recent content by Drop4With20

  1. Drop4With20

    After Germinating?

    I'll grow but it won't be a great yield.
  2. Drop4With20

    After Germinating?

    They all sprouted in the paper towel, but I transplanted them into soil now, they're outside, I'm not an indoors grower.
  3. Drop4With20

    After Germinating?

    Okay thanks, I watered just recently, but it drys up so quick, why?
  4. Drop4With20

    After Germinating?

    My seeds germed and I put them in Jiffy little starter pots with MG Organic Soil, how long should I water or how often and how long until they sprout up?
  5. Drop4With20

    Just out of curiosity

    The attitude!
  6. Drop4With20

    Outdoors, bugs?

    Hey thanks man for the heads up, but on the other side of the fence (about 10 feet from where I'm growing) is a ranch and the place I'm growing is highly populated with greens which is rare for where I'm at and there are over 30-40 goats that roam on the other side of the fence, deers hate goats.
  7. Drop4With20

    Hoppers and Dragonflys

    In my grow area, I've just put my girls in pots and they're starting to grow, in the area there are hundreds of Dragonflys, and many grasshoppers, also those silk bugs that make that silk/white looking webbing in trees? Anyone know if this is harmful to my plants and how to prevent it?
  8. Drop4With20

    Outdoors, bugs?

    When I go down there, there are well over 100 dragonflys buzzing around they smack me all the time. :( There are a ton of grasshoppers though...I believe they're grasshoppers, it's in shin high grass and things are always hopping and making ticking sounds, I've read grasshoppers are bad?
  9. Drop4With20

    I have some questions??? Need Help.

    I can only answer number 3 at this time, by cleaning if you mean spraying...then yes it's bad during the day if it's in direct sun. To cool the plant down or clean, move it into shade, clean/mist/spray and keep it in the shade for a few more hours then move back into sun.
  10. Drop4With20

    Outdoors, bugs?

    For deer I'm putting chickin wire up around my plants, that'll keep hem away. there are a ton of dragonflys in the area, is that bad?
  11. Drop4With20

    what strain is bagseed?

    I'm in Texas to be honest, I can see the border out my window though! :)
  12. Drop4With20

    what strain is bagseed?

    Yeah those were the days, now Mexico's weed is known as dirt. :(
  13. Drop4With20

    what strain is bagseed?

    Yup they do get some good coke and H at times, weed, never.
  14. Drop4With20

    what strain is bagseed?

    Considering most drug cartels are from Mexico, which is known for it's dirt weed. So yes they do grow the weakest shit around. Us American's and Canadian's grow the good shit. I live 2 miles from Mexico, I know shit with the cartels.
  15. Drop4With20

    what strain is bagseed?

    I'm done with this thread, I've confirmed you're an idiot.