Recent content by doublejj

  1. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Trump Is Fine With States Monitoring Pregnant Women So They Don't Get Abortions "I think they might do that," the GOP presidential nominee said of a scenario that sounds straight out of the dystopian novel "The Handmaid's Tale."...
  2. doublejj


    I'm sorry no, those plants weren't from my clones. They were an assortment of strains mostly from PCG.
  3. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Ted Cruz Wants Airlines to Keep Your Cash When They Cancel Your Flight
  4. doublejj


    Yours truly 50 years later...
  5. doublejj

    doublejj's 2024 adventure

    Light Dep greenhouse #2, 140' long 400 plants. This greenhouse was harvested a couple of weeks ago and has been replanted and the greenhouse cover was replaced, the winter was a little rough on it. I will snap some new pics of the replant in a week or so..
  6. doublejj


    Yours truly on the skid of a bullet riddled helicopter in front of the US ARMY Academy of Health Sciences, Ft Sam Houston Texas. Over 50 years ago.....
  7. doublejj

    Spring BBQ Sat 4/27 @Camp Far West Lake

    A grand time was had by all. The weather was perfect. the lake was full and so was the grill. I would like to thank everyone that came out and made this such a fabulous day.. :clap:
  8. doublejj

    Spring BBQ Sat 4/27 @Camp Far West Lake

    That's kind of the test here at the BBQ ..... ;)
  9. doublejj

    Spring BBQ Sat 4/27 @Camp Far West Lake

    Now that's a drug test....
  10. doublejj

    Spring BBQ Sat 4/27 @Camp Far West Lake

  11. doublejj

    Spring BBQ Sat 4/27 @Camp Far West Lake

    Yes yes it would. It would be awesome if you could make it next time. If I know for sure your coming I'll roast a pig... :hug:
  12. doublejj

    Spring BBQ Sat 4/27 @Camp Far West Lake

    Sorry for your loss bro, We will build an above ground pig roaster on the spot, put the pig on early in the morning and roast for about 8hrs, when we are done & take it apart and clean up you would never know we were there...
  13. doublejj

    Spring BBQ Sat 4/27 @Camp Far West Lake

    Awesome! I can't wait to meet you guys. Please drive save. Maybe you can scout out the best available numbered camp spot for us to set up in. See you there.