Recent content by DOPEYSstoned

  1. DOPEYSstoned

    I think I have Planaria in my soil.....

    So I think I finally figured out what they were. Ive always had a problem with small flying insects in my grow boxes, I never knew how they got in though. However the mystery was solved when I noticed little flying insects crawling up from the soil. Little fuckers were mooching off my warm soil...
  2. DOPEYSstoned

    First Grow. 2 weeks into flowering... pics!

    well someone may be able to tell you whether its a sativa dominant or indica dominant. Im going to guess sativa p.s I wish the pics were bigger, but great work!
  3. DOPEYSstoned

    I think I have Planaria in my soil.....

    Yeah they are pretty tiny they average about the thickness of a nickle in length id say
  4. DOPEYSstoned

    I think I have Planaria in my soil.....

    Thanks alot dude. Ill give it a try and I hope it works
  5. DOPEYSstoned

    I think I have Planaria in my soil.....

    AHHH bastards! DX well at least its and answer, and yeah that was a trip. \ Thank ya much
  6. DOPEYSstoned

    I think I have Planaria in my soil.....

    So I woke up this morning and one of the two clear containers I have my seedlings in is coated in condensation on the inside. Within most of these water droplets there are little wriggly white worms :shock::shock::shock::-|, and I noticed one inching its way on a dry surface within the...
  7. DOPEYSstoned

    Another Irish Grower...

    Do it up! Hope you post your grow up here so we can see your progress:mrgreen:
  8. DOPEYSstoned

    need some advice about lights

    my buddy is growing with LEDs and its coming out great for indoor and at the pace hes going!
  9. DOPEYSstoned

    Marijuana And Short Term Memory

    Some studies have shown that there are receptors in the brain that are suppose to recive a chemical from the body to help forget, and the delta9's are also accepted. Ive also heard that it can cause cells in the brain to become dorment, but by no means kill them.
  10. DOPEYSstoned

    Why Do People Keep Lying About Proposition 19?

    But who says the govt will actully put enough money into it to make it better than what we have now. And who says they wont use toxic chemiclas to make it produce more potent buds, or just more buds in general.
  11. DOPEYSstoned

    Why Do People Keep Lying About Proposition 19?

    Id be willing to consider giving up practicly free bud if there was actully a good chance for me to get caught. But there is none, all the cops will do here is take it for themselves. (which means no ticket for me, no jail for me ect.) We are a country full of people that has been doing things...
  12. DOPEYSstoned

    first ever grow on day 17 of flower tips please

    Some of those leaves look a little sad, but that could have alot to do with them being in flower.
  13. DOPEYSstoned

    What is Everyone Growing for Their 2011 Outdoor Grow Season?

    Same situation dude! At least its from back when the mids were still dank around here. Compared to what they are now....
  14. DOPEYSstoned

    What is Everyone Growing for Their 2011 Outdoor Grow Season?

    Bag seed -_- cause im fuckin boss wooo *says in sarcastic manner
  15. DOPEYSstoned

    What is this poking out of my bud???? "Detailed pic"

    I didnt know that would even have a chance at working, Ill have to try that out when I end up with a hermi