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  • hey man I just got my seeds at 4pm lastnight its now 11:30am in the morning here and i looked and they were sprouted already only 18hours. i am quite impressed with this seed bank I order from. My last seeds from my last harvest germed very fast too. Maybe its just the way I germ all my seeds but I am having great success. Hey try this next time you germ seeds and tell me how it works out for you. do the paper towel technique. Wet 1st paper towel stick it on a plate take your seeds and place them on that paper towel then wet another pater town and place it over your seeds then take another plate and place it over the plate with the seed so you have the seeds hamburgered between the plates. Now take the seeds in between the plates and turn on your stove light and put it inside your stove with the light on works a charm.
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